Page 59 of Siriarna

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When Apollo invited me into his chariot after the almost disaster on Evolirium, I couldn’t believe my luck. And why was Braxton left behind, not that I’m complaining. My most worshipped god inviting me to his palace, I couldn’t board quick enough. And when he advised Siriarna’s mother was responsible for the attack on Evolirium, I was gobsmacked. Turns out that was only the beginning of my bewilderment. Perhaps I should never haveaccepted Apollo’s invitation. Although now I think about it, at the time it did seem to be more of a demand.

Siriarna handled the news of her pre-planned demise well. Although I guess the nectar helped, in part, overcome her immediate distress. It’s not like her to take such extreme measures, stealing a chariot for example, but that is one of her many new found traits. Through the bravado, behind her violet eyes, I see she still needs reassurance. And I will always be there to offer it—‘Friends First Always’. I stand by that.

Attending a god’s wedding is the icing on the ambrosia. It’s not something a semi god would normally experience, so when Apollo offered me a place as his guest, I was both honoured and thrilled. Siriarna joining us on the momentous occasion, being the perfect ending to our time in the Sky Realm. I must say, I am going to miss this realm. But I am now more than determined than ever to study hard in Light Propensity, because I must become a member of The Core. Failing is not an option. I want to continue my close association with the gods of this realm and being in The Core will solidify my connection.

The ceremony is commencing and we all turn to welcome the bride. What? I don’t believe it. It’s Alexandraya. In a wedding dress. She’s the bride. It takes me a minute to register what is going on. She was missing from the Graduation Party, and then I was whisked away before I could search for her. Seems she had other plans. My heart heaves like it’s being ripped from my chest, and I feel like such a fool. This semi god, my partner, is about to marry a god. How could I have been so stupid, how could I have competed? I’ve been played a fool, and I do not like it. Next to the pain, a wave of resentment finds residency at the centre of my soul.

Siriarna’s body stiffens when she recognises Alexandraya. Then the most unexpected phenomenon occurs. The skies above have begun to attack the Arena. And Siriarna is responsible. Justwho is her mother? And how is she wielding such power?

I beg her to stop, surely her safety is at risk? But it’s no use. Zeus steps in and, like the mighty powerful ruler he is, takes control, guiding Siriarna to reign in her power.

My questions are soon answered by the King of Gods. Siriarna is the offspring of Zeus himself and the Goddess Psyche. Psyche who is attached to Alexandraya’s arm. My mind is swirling with so many questions.

Looking at my best friend, I see the shift, I can’t believe I didn’t before. She’s extraordinary. Of course she is. Deep down, I guess I always knew it. She is quite literally glowing. Is that a faint golden halo circling her head?

I’m here for you Siriarna. Just like always.



I am quite literally counting down the seconds until Siriarna returns. It’s taking every inch of self-control not to speed time forward and have Siriarna here with me instantly. It’s been days, but still I wait in the meadow. She said she would return, and I believe her.

In the meantime, I am stuck in the bleak, sunless merry-go-round that is my memory—a constant gnawing reminder of what I have lost.

I know the only way I will be able to continue is to somehow help Siriarna remember. Remember the night that changed my life, and hers. A time when everything was so right. I will beg, borrow and steal all the nectar I need to fulfil my promise. I won’t give up until I succeed. For her sake and mine.

In the meantime, I wrap my fingers around her amethyst pendant in my pocket and stroke it. I feel closer to her when I touch it, like a part of her is still mine. I found it in the meadowafter I turned back Time. She must have lost it during our divine moments of passion. I didn’t get the chance to return it to her because she was whipped away by Apollo. And Roman leaving with them, well that almost caused me to freeze time then and there. But I stood strong, held my nerve. I won’t let that situation hinder my plans. She belongs to me.

I am waiting Siriarna and when the time is right, we will once again be together. I know it is our destiny.



Iama god. ‘Goddess of Above’ to be exact. The title bestowed upon me by my father in the Council Arena, the Olympian Gods bearing witness.

I am home. Home in a realm I didn’t know I belonged. But I do. Belong that is. Warmth spreads throughout my body. An internal glow fills my soul, my aura reaching up to my crown. In my mind’s eye I see the faint outline of a halo perched above my head. I look to Apollo, my eyes now level with his. His expression is one of expectancy. He knew. All along, he has known.

I see Psyche gasp as my transformation is completed. Her mouth is spread into a forced smile and her face is hardened, almost frozen into a faux cheerfulness. On the contrary, Zeus’ face is the picture of delight.

For some strange reason, at this very moment, my thoughts return to Braxton and my heart skips a beat. I don’t understand the sensation, it’s almost like a reverse déjà vu.

One thing I am absolutely certain of is that I have access to a great power. And I know exactly what I need to do.

