Page 67 of Saving Scarlet

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We chuckle while Hawk, Wolf, Knox, Maddox, Alessandro, and Luciano patiently answer their questions.

“They never stop talking, do they?” Patrick asks.

Declan and I bark out a laugh and shake our heads.

“Pretty much never,” I say.

He grunts but I can see the amusement on his face. He cares about our girls, and it shows.

Suddenly, a dozen or so men surround us, their guns drawn and pointed at our heads.

“Don’t fucking move,” one of the men shouts in a thick Russian accent.

I squeeze Scarlet’s hand. “Run. Go back to that spot and get down as low as you can. Now.”

She must see how serious I am because both she and Cali take off running. We’re still close enough to the cluster of trees that I can see them as they climb into the center and hide.

Wolf and Hawk swing their flashlights toward the Russians and flip them to a strobe effect so the men are temporarily blinded. We take this opportunity to pull out our guns and start firing, dropping them one by one. They return fire, but their aim is shit. When a bullet hits me, I curse from the impact, but the vest I’m wearing stops it from penetrating.

Within a matter of seconds, all of the Russians are on the ground, bleeding out from their wounds. We count them.

“That’s all of them,” I say.

“Except Maxwell,” Declan says.

The girls call out and we rush to them, pulling them from their hiding spot.

“Fuck. Thank you for obeying.” I pull Scarlet against me.

She wraps her arms around my neck, and I pick her up. “Can we call it even for when we didn’t run earlier when Patrick told us to?”

I let out a low growl as I narrow my eyes at her. “Little girl.”

“I know. I know. He scolded us already. But we weren’t going to leave him there to die.”

Declan groans. “Jesus. How many times do I have to tell you that if one of our men tells you to run or hide or get low, you fucking do it without argument?”

Cali shrugs. “We made an executive decision. I’m married to the mafia boss. I’m pretty sure that’s allowed.”

“Sorry, Daddy. We couldn’t leave him,” Scarlet says as she studies my face.

I capture her chin and press a kiss to her lips. “We’re going to have a discussion about this later. For now, we need to get back to the house.”

She lets out a deep sigh. “By discussion, do you mean spanking?”

“Yes,” I reply.

“I thought so,” she says quietly.

When I peer down at her, though, she doesn’t look worried. Not in the slightest.

“Just so you know, I’d do the same thing if it happened again,” she tells me.

“I know you would.” I take her hand. “But you’re still in trouble for breaking the rules.”

“I know.”

She smiles up at me, and I don’t think I can possibly fall more in love with this woman. She’s stubborn as hell but loyal and fierce as fuck. And she’s absolutely perfect for me.
