Page 13 of Monster's Obsession

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Turned out, because we’d already had sex before she stepped foot into the castle, the spell didn’t work quite as well as if she’d not ever ridden my magic dick before.

Lucky me.

I nodded at the pile of folded clothes in Daruka’s arms. “Looks like Mrs. Caldwell hooked you up with a wardrobe.”

Selina gave her new roomie a bored once-over. “We definitely couldn’t share clothes.”

“I guarantee we don’t have the same style,” Daruka replied.

Selina sniffed.

I tried to direct my next comment to Daruka and Daruka only. “If you need anything, come find me.”

“Not gonna happen,” she said before turning on her heel and stomping up the steps toward the next level.

Selina hesitated, her gaze dropping to my groin. “I’d be happy to come find you.”

“Not gonna happen,” I said and then got the hell out of there.

My dorm room was pretty cool if I did say so myself. I had a roommate, Poe. He was a vampire, which meant during the day, if he wasn’t in class, he was sleeping. And at night, well, I didn’t ask where he went off to, but he was gone pretty much every single evening, and I was reasonably confident that whatever he was doing helped ensure he didn’t try to take a nip from my veins. Although during our first year rooming together, he told me that while elf blood was a delicacy, demon blood gave him heartburn, so I pretty much had nothing to worry about.

Thus, I’d requested him as a roommate every year.

He was graduating this year, though, so I’d have to figure out something else in the fall. Because, yes, I was definitely hanging around for one more year. Anything to put off heading home to the elfin forest and honoring my legacy, as my father would say.

It was Saturday, about an hour before dinner. I could study, but nah. All my classes were repeat by this point—most people didn’t stick around for more than the requisite four years—so I could ace them all without opening a single book.

Poe was on the other side of the room, tucked behind a wall of thick blackout curtains, snoozing away. My elfin nature needed a healthy dose of sunlight on the regular, so that had been our solution instead of covering the windows.

On my side of the room, I’d paid one of the arty students to paint a mural of a forest on the walls. Not the forest surrounding this place, which was full of scary as shit creatures, but the elven forest, which had a much more benign feel.

I lasted all of five minutes before I slipped out of the room again, heading who knew where. I’d like to go up to the sixth floor and check on Daruka, but I wanted to see Selina less, so I wandered down to the main level instead. I could hang in the kitchen; the kobolds actually liked me and would probably offer me a snack. It was tempting. I’d worked up an appetite earlier, skipping lunch to do so, and now my stomach rumbled.

As I made my way toward the narrow, hidden doorway underneath the stairs that would take me to the kitchen undetected, I heard voices.

“…has enemies.”

“Don’t we all?”

“Yes, but these enemies are the exact sort we deliberately keep out of this school.”

That was Mrs. Caldwell. The other voice belonged to the headmistress. I wanted to hear the rest of this conversation, so I pulled on my elf magic, which allowed me to sort of fade into the background behind the potted palm to my left.

“She came here to escape those enemies, correct?” the headmistress asked.

“Well, I don’t know. That’s your forte,” Mrs. Caldwell pointed out.

The headmistress sighed. “I was looking for you to agree with me, not looking for you to tell me what I already know.”

“So, do we need to enhance the wards or set up alarms or something?” Mrs. Caldwell asked.

“If we do, some of our own students could set them off.” The headmistress paused. “Let’s do nothing for now. She didn’t tell a single soul she was coming here. I do not think this would be the first place her enemies would look for her. Maybe, if she’d enrolled at eighteen like most supernaturals, yes. But she’s never hidden her dislike for schoolwork, and she’s never expressed any interest in attending Blackthorn. She may well and truly be safe here.”

“Good,” Mrs. Caldwell said, and they moved on to far less interesting topics as they also moved down the hall.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that they were talking about Daruka. She was the only recently enrolled student. Most started in the fall, with a handful joining us in January, after winter break. And she’d said she wasn’t eighteen.

So who was she hiding from?
