Page 88 of Haunted Love

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I roll my eyes, and we finally walk out of the foyer and leave the sappy shit behind. As we make our way past the living room and into the kitchen, I find Mom already going through my bags with Dad at her side, trying to put it all back in. “Hey. Hands off. It’s my show today,” I say to Mom, stepping into her other side only to get an equally as big hug from her, maybe even bigger than Austin’s had been.

“Oh, my sweet girl,” she says, refusing to let go. “I’m so sorry you went through all of that. You must have been so scared.”

A wave of emotion crashes through me, and I hold on to her tighter, momentarily unable to get the words past the lump forming in my throat. Even though it’s been a few days and I’ve spoken to her at length on the phone, there’s still just something about being wrapped in my mother’s arms that offers me the type of security I could never get from anywhere else, not even with Izaac.

Her hand roams up and down my back, and as I finally start to find a little composure, I lift my gaze. Finding Izaac’s stare on me, the memories of that night bring up a lot of emotion in both of us. He holds my stare for just a moment before reluctantly looking away, because had he not, I surely would have given it away.

Dad leans in and wraps his arms around Mom and me before pressing a kiss to my temple. “Are you really okay, sweetheart?” he asks. “And don’t even think about lying to your old man.”

“Really,” I say, wriggling free of their death grip. “I’m okay. I was a little shaken, and it definitely wasn’t a great situation to be in, but I’m fine. The ambulance took him away with a police escort and both Izaac and I made our statements. So if it’s okay with you, I would very much appreciate it if you could all get your asses out of my kitchen so I can cook us all an incredible lunch.”

Mom rolls her eyes as Dad mutters under his breath, and I let out a sigh of relief as they finally make their way out toward the living room. Only Izaac remains right where he is. “Ahhhh. Isn’t anybody else the least bit concerned?” he asks, making Mom, Dad, and Austin all stop and look back. “Aspen can’t cook for shit, and I don’t know about you guys, but I have a busy week coming up. I can’t risk the food poisoning.”

My jaw practically falls to the floor. He did not just say that.

“I’ll have you know—” I start to argue when Austin cuts in. “Yeah, not gonna lie. I’m worried about that too. I’m interviewing potential staff this week, and it’s not gonna be a great look if I keep running back and forth from the toilet.”

The boys snicker as though it’s the funniest thing in the world, and I stride over to Izaac and grab his arm before shoving him right out of the kitchen and into my moronic brother. “Get your asses out of here. The only reason either of you would spend the next week shitting yourselves is because you finally realized how far up each other’s asses you are and it turns into a bloody competition of who can claw their way out faster.”

Austin simply stares at me. “How dare you speak of my ass like that.”

“For what it’s worth. My money’s on asshole number 2,” I say, indicating toward Izaac. “Don’t get me wrong, he definitely seems like an ass man, but when it comes to yours, even the women are running in the opposite direction.”

“There goes my appetite,” Dad mutters before walking away with Mom.

Izaac smirks, meeting my stare. “Thank you. I appreciate your vote of confidence,” he says. “And because you brought it up, I am indeed an ass man.”

Austin gapes at his best friend before whacking him up the side of the head. “Don’t say shit like that to my little sister. What the fuck, man?”

I can barely contain my laughter. If only he knew what else he liked to say to me. Hell, if only he knew the kinds of things he’sdoneto me, all the different positions he’s bent me into, and the way he’s shoved that big, delicious co—

Izaac’s laughter cuts off my train of thought, and I quickly turn back toward my bags before the blush gets a chance to sneak into my cheeks. “Alright, both of you get out. I’ve got magic to make.”

Austin scoffs. “I’ve got pizza waiting for when you fuck it up.”

“And I’ve got a girthy twelve-inch pink dildo that I’ll ram right up your ass,” I throw back at him. “After all, it must be lonely for Izaac up there. I’m sure he could use the company.”

Izaac visibly swallows, his face twisting. “I suddenly feel very uncomfortable.”

“Me too,” Austin mutters. “Should I be clenching my asshole like this?”

I grin wide, and with that, the boys stride out of the kitchen, muttering to each other, and I can only assume that muttering has a lot to do with shit-talking me, but it’s fine. It wouldn’t be a family lunch without the three of us getting under each other’s skin.

Finally free to get to work, I start unloading all the bags before making my world-class famous spaghetti and meatballs, because let’s face it, it’s the only thing I’m a little competent in making. Actually, come to think of it, I really don’t know how I’ve survived all of college living alone.

Austin, Izaac, and Dad make their way out back and stand on the deck, looking out over the view with beers in their hands. They’re just in front of the kitchen window, and I can’t help but notice the way Izaac discreetly watches me. Every step I take, his dark gaze tracks, only looking away when Austin holds his attention.

My heart races, and I absolutely love it. This right here could be our forever, and I’ve never wanted anything more.

The food is almost done, and I’m pretty confident that I’m not going to poison everybody, but hell, if I did, I’d definitely choose Austin to be the lucky winner to reap the rewards of that particular gift. I start digging out all the plates and cutlery before dashing over to the walk-in pantry to find Mom’s fancy saltshaker. If Austin wants to hit us with some kind of announcement, then surely we can use the fancy saltshakers.

Stepping into the pantry, my gaze shifts over the shelves while cursing Mom for always reorganizing her kitchen. I swear, ever since Austin and I moved out, she has occupied her time by doing ridiculous things like flipping her house around. She must get a sick satisfaction out of the way Dad can never find anything and always asks her for help. I guess it’s kind of sweet.

Finding the saltshaker on one of the top shelves, I push up onto my tippy toes and reach for it just as the walk-in pantry plunges into darkness. I gasp as a big body presses into me and a set of warm hands falls to my waist. I’m whipped around, and before a smile can even stretch across my lips, Izaac’s lips are on mine.

He kisses me deeply, and I melt into him, every nerve in my body on edge until I remember where the hell we are and shove him off me. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I whisper-yell. “You’re gonna get us caught.”

He goes to step into me again, and I shove my hand against his strong chest and have to force myself not to spread my fingers and feel the tight ridges of his pecs beneath his shirt. I mean, would it really hurt if I just felt them for a second?

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