Page 1 of Fake Out

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I stand outside on my steps and take a couple of deep, fast breaths, but the late night, cool September air does nothing to cool the anxiety racing through my veins. Is this really happening? Is Scotia Storm’s center, Jesse Campbell, really coming to my place to hang out?

Technically, we’re not hanging out at my place. No, we’re sort of in hiding. Wait, that’s not entirely true. Jesse and I aren’t in hiding. We can be seen out together any time we want. It’s just not something he’s ever wanted—until now.

It’s my best friend and roommate Kendra who is having a secret relationship with Jesse’s best friend Dane. Those two are behind this ‘date’ between Jesse and me. Although I’m not sure I can really call it a date. I honestly don’t know what to call what we’re doing. I go to his games all the time, but he's never noticed me before and I’m definitely not the kind of girl he gravitates toward.

A hand lands on my arm and I turn to Kendra. “Josie, you’re wearing a hole in the steps, and they’re cement. Relax.”

“Relax?” I practically shriek. “I’m about to hang out with Jesse Freaking Campbell.”

“I don’t think that’s his middle name,” she teases.

“Yeah, well…I’m a mess. I want to make a good first impression and…” My words fall off—probably because I just swallowed my tongue—as two big male figures move along the sidewalk toward us. “Ohmigod,” I whisper under my breath.

Jesse smiles as he steps up to me, and I stare, a little star struck. I’ve seen him up close before, of course. I’ve just never been the sole focus of his attention, and holy hell, it’s throwing me off my game. Not that I have game—or much experience with the opposite sex—but you get it.

Pull yourself together, Josie.

As a nursing student, I’m used to working under pressure, so I call on my skills and try to sound and appear somewhat casual as I smile back. Dane does the introductions, and my gaze drops to Jesse’s lips as he says, “Hi.”

Dane leans in and kisses Kendra, a risky move, considering their relationship is a secret, but it’s easy to see they’re having a hard time keeping their hands off one another.

“You guys ready to go?” I ask, and Kendra and Dane start down the sidewalk, leaving me with Jesse.

“Great game tonight,” I say. That’s a girl, keeping the conversation all about him will make chatting easier, and hey, everyone likes talking about themselves, right? Everyone but me, that is.

He gifts me with a smile. “Thanks for coming and supporting us.”

“I love the game.” I glance at his perfect face and admire all the hard angles. Okay girl, stop staring before you get caught. “You and Dane grew up together in Bass River?”

“Yup, my family owns a cattle ranch. Dane says you’re a nursing student. Did you grow up here?”

Shoot, I hate when the conversation turns to me. By nature, I’m quiet and a nurturer, but sometimes people mistake me for a spoiled little rich girl when they find out I grew up on the south shore, in a very expensive area, and both my parents, as well as my grandfather, are well known surgeons. I certainly don’t think of myself as a poor little anything.

Neglected child of busy parents might be a better way to describe my upbringing. But I’m out on a ‘date’ with Jesse and don’t want to think about how my parents can’t understand why I’d settle for nursing—a supporting role as they put it—when I could be a surgeon. In their eyes, it’s second best, a sidekick position. That’s me, second best. A girl who’s never been number one to anyone.

His body brushes mine, and that’s when I get a whiff of his freshly scented skin. All thoughts of my family leave my brain, and a crazy squeaking noise crawls out of my throat.

“Cold?” he asks.

“Yeah, a bit.” I tighten my arms around my body to hide what I’m feeling.

“Want my jacket? I always run hot after a game.”

The man runs hot even before a game. “No, that’s okay. We’re close.”

“Where are we going anyway?” he asks, and glances around the waterfront. It’s busy tonight, like it always is when everyone on campus goes out to celebrate a win.

“Didn’t Dane tell you?” I ask.

“No, he said Kendra didn’t tell him.”

“I didn’t realize it was a surprise,” I say.

He nudges me and his touch sends a little thrill through me. Good God, I am so ridiculous. “Aw, come on. You don’t have to keep it from me. I won’t tell.” He crosses his heart and offers me an adorable smile. “Scout’s honor.”
