Page 28 of Devious Deals

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“Neither.” I lean forward. “I want her to take clomiphene.”

Grim’s eyebrows lift. “How shocking. I’ll need to run some labs on her.”

“I figured.”

“Does this mean you want my special herbal pill too?” He wiggles his eyebrows. “All good cows need to be taken care of.”

“Careful, Grim.”

He eyes me for a moment. “I’ll send a bottle with her. I’ll also send over some salves and ointments to use when her training starts.”

“Excellent. Are you stopping by the club for the event?”

“You know I am.”

“Good. I’ll make sure there’s a bottle with your name on it.”

He snorts. “It’s a good thing I’m a drunk and can be bought off so easily.”

“Go do your job before I change my mind.”


When he’s gone, I allow myself to smile. When Ari came to me, I knew I was finally getting the revenge that I had craved for over twenty years. I’ve envisioned several ways this might happen but didn’t really have anything nailed down. Not even when Ari signed the contract. But this morning, as I left Jane’s house, it hit me, and I knew exactly how I wanted this to play out.

Alex Triton is going to pay for ruining my life, even if that means Ari gets caught in the crossfire. Today is the first day in making sure that happens. Ari thinks she’s leaving with birth control. What she’ll really be leaving with is fertility drugs. By the time the year is up, her stomach will be round with my child. A child that she and her father will never get a chance to know. Alex Triton thought he bested me when he had Minerva abort my child all those years ago. We’ll see how he feels when the tables are turned. The ultimate revenge.



I hate gynecological appointments more than anything. Like, whose bright idea was it to have a woman strip down to nothing, spread her legs, and have a cold device shoved in her hoo-ha so a sample can be taken? Then there’s the oh-so-fun part where they knead around on your breasts. I’ll tell you who came up with this. It was definitely a man! And Dr. Grimsby must take his job seriously, because I swear he rubbed around on my breasts until the nurse cleared her throat to get him to stop.

The good doctor isn’t what I expected, either. All of Kieran’s acquaintances might be rough around the edges, but they carry themselves in such a way that you find yourself charmed. Not Dr. Grimsby. No, he screams creeper. Like, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were hidden cameras in here. I look around just to make sure but see nothing. I shift in discomfort as he finishes.

“That’ll do.” He pats my thigh. “I’ll send this to the lab and get back with you.”

He leaves, and the nurse turns to me.

“You can get dressed, dear.”

As soon as she’s gone, I get dressed as fast as I can, just in case Dr. Grimsby pops back in unexpectedly. It seems like something he might do on ‘accident’. It feels like it takes forever until he does return, so the joke’s on me.

“Alright. Everything looks good. Mr. Van der Zee said you were taking an oral pill, so that’s what I’m going to give you. I’m also sending you with a multivitamin. Some of your levels were a bit low. Reach out if you have any side effects and we can adjust the dosage. Any questions?”

I shake my head. “No.”

“Good. It was a pleasure to meet you.”

He pats my leg again and leaves. The nurse hands me a sack with my meds and then I follow her to the lobby where Kieran is on the phone. He motions for me to wait a moment.

“Is this something that Sebastian can’t handle?” He pauses. “Yes, to the hemp ropes. I know the ones in the playroom were getting frayed. No to the silk.”

I know I shouldn’t listen, but I can’t help myself. I’m certain he’s taking a call regarding his sex club.

“By the way, Sebastian could have handled this,” he snorts. “Fucker. See you tonight.”

He ends the call, turning to me.
