Page 29 of Devious Deals

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“Ready for some lunch?”

“I am.”

I’m surprised when he takes me by the hand, leading me outside.

“Can I ask you a question, Sir?”

He peers down at me. “Of course.”

“How does one get into the business of owning a sex club?”

“The same way one has any job.” He smiles. “Though the club kind of fell into my lap.”

“How so?”

“You really want to know?”

I nod and he turns, so he’s facing me.

“The first time you came to me, asking me for help, you said something very specific. Do you remember what you said?”

My cheeks are warm, but I nod. “I said that only the Sea Warlock could save me.”

“Indeed. But I wasn’t always the Sea Warlock amongst these parts. Before me, the Sea Witch ran the club. She was, god, she was fucking everything. Enchanting. Beautiful. Cunning.” He smiles, looking somewhere over me as if he’s remembering. “Her name was Sabrina Ursuland. She took me under her wing when no one else would and made me the man I am today.”

“What happened to her?”

“Cancer.” He shakes his head. “She fought it as long as she could. When she was gone, I was in limbo. Then I found out that she left everything to me. All of it. The club. The house. Even her fucking car. I thought for sure she’d leave it all to Jane.”

My breath hitches at the mention of the mysterious Jane.

I ask, “Did you live in the house with Sabrina?”

“I did. I was in the room you’re in, actually. Jane roomed next to me.”

“Why did you think she’d leave everything to Jane?”

“Jane was her only child.” His lips lift. “But she knew Jane was too pure to handle the things that go on at the club.”

Pieces of this puzzle are coming together, and I don’t think I like what I’m hearing. He said before that he cared about a woman named Jane. Presumably it’s the same Jane he’s speaking of now. If that’s the case, that means they’ve known each other for a long time. It also means I don’t have a chance with him. I mean, how can I compete with a history like that?

“How old were you when you met Sabrina?”


I know it’s none of my business, but I ask, “And you were… intimate with her?”

“Not until I was sixteen.”

My emotions are torn. He was taken advantage of by an adult, and no one was there to help him. Still, I find myself jealous of the way he speaks of both Sabrina and Jane. God. What in the hell is wrong with me?

I ask, “Where is Jane now? I assume she doesn’t live in the house since I haven’t seen her around…”

You know… because I love to torture myself.

“She lives in Manhattan.”

“Do you see her often?”
