Page 121 of Vicious Vows

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“She’s sending me away until a match has been made.”

His eyes widen. “Where?”

“I don’t know yet.” I move closer. “Odin, there’s something I need to tell you.”

“I don’t want to hear it, Anna.”

I huff out a laugh. “You only call me Anna when you mean to barb me.” I hold out my arms. “So, what is it? What cruel thing do you have to say to me?”

He’s silent. Maybe I’ve shocked him. Well, he needs to get over it because I need to tell him I’m in love with him. I also need to tell him about the missed period.

“All my life I’ve done what was expected of me. I’ve played the part of the perfect Mafia Princess. I’ve been silent when I should have spoken up for myself.” My voice quivers. “You said that you wanted to be with me for a month to get whatever this was out of our system. Well, I don’t think a lifetime is long enough for that to happen. I love you, Odin.”

“No, you don’t.” He stands. “It’s true. We have chemistry, and the sex is good. Don’t mistake that for love, Anna.”

“I do love you, and I think you love me, too.”

“I don’t.”

“Then why do you care who I’m married off to?” I move closer to him. “If you don’t love me, then it shouldn’t matter that I was with the guard or that I thought I had a crush on Hans.”

“Anna, stop.”

“I won’t because if Grandmama gets her wish and sends me away, we both know I’ll never be seen again. Something will happen to me, and I’ll vanish from the face of the earth, just like The Dragon’s daughter.”

Everyone knows that The Dragon had his only daughter killed when she was caught in bed with his enemy. It’s a cautionary tale amongst women in the Mafia.

Odin’s jaw tics. “She won’t kill you. You’re her favorite.”

“And I slept with her favorite daughter’s husband. Do you really think she’ll pick me over my mother?”

“Elsa will stay true to her word. You’ll be safe until you’re married off.”

I freeze. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that it might be best for you to leave the city for a while.”

“Better for who? You? Mother? Grandmama? Because I know it won’t be better for me!”

He stands, brushing past me. I follow him to our room on the second floor.

“Odin, you can’t let her send me away.”

“You’ll be fine. We need to end this before things go too far.”

“Too far?” My voice raises. “Maybe you should have thought about that before you fucked me!”

“Anna, I’m not impressed by your theatrics.”

Suddenly, I’m so exhausted and so very confused. Was everything that I felt for this man a lie? Did he even feel the same way? I thought I knew the answer, but now I’m not so sure.

“Is that your final answer?”


“Just know that there will be a time when you look back on this moment and realize that you lost a chance at happiness.”

“It’s something I’m willing to risk.”
