Page 143 of Vicious Vows

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Being back at Odin’s house feels like I’ve finally come home. My eyes water. When did it start to feel this way?

Odin says, “Let’s get you up to bed.”

I realize he’s leading me to the stairway, toward our room, and I stop him.


“No?” His eyebrows furrow together. “You need rest.”

“And I will rest. In my room.”

He looks gutted. “Anna—”

“I’m not doing this to hurt you, Odin. I’m tired and I need time to think. I want to talk to you. About everything. But I need to rest first.”

I pull away from him, knowing there’s a chance he might follow. He thankfully doesn’t, and I make my way to my dark room on the first floor, closing the door behind me. I’m numb as I undress, throwing the white gown across the room. Padding to the bathroom, I turn on the water to the shower, letting it warm before stepping under the spray. My tears silently fall as I wash my body clean. I still can’t believe I’m free—that Odin was there to save me. His actions prove that he cares, but what if he can’t give me what I want?

After I finish showering, I slip on a nightshirt and climb into bed. Part of me knows I’d fall asleep much faster if I was upstairs with Odin. Rolling to my side, I close my eyes and will myself to sleep.

Morning comes and I awaken, feeling more refreshed. I still don’t know what I need to say to Odin, but I know it’s probably eating him alive that I haven’t sought him out. I dress in jeans and a loose shirt and leave my room. I find him in the dining room. There’s a place set next to him.

“Expecting someone?”

He puts down the newspaper. “Only you. Hungry?”

My stomach roils and I shake my head. “No. Can we go to the living room to talk?”

“Of course.”

I lead the way, my nerves starting to flair. I sit on the couch, and he sits right next to me, reaching for my hand.

He says, “I’m so fucking glad you’re home.”

I hold up my hand. “I need to talk, and I need you to listen.”

He nods.

I look somewhere over his shoulder, gathering my thoughts. “I left with Flynn because I was hurt by what you said after we were caught by Grandmama. And I knew that Grandmama wasn’t going to just send me away. Not after I had done something that would affect the life of her favorite daughter.” I meet his gaze. “The plan was to go to Texas, to a ranch that Flynn said his uncle left him. It was going to be a fresh start with two people who cared for me, or so I thought.”

My eyes water.

“I’ll never forgive myself for getting Freja involved in all of this. I’m just so glad she’s okay.” I continue, “Everything was going great until Flynn made a detour to Oklahoma City. Something just didn’t sit right with me, so Freja and I came up with our own plan. Flynn overheard us and that’s when he hit us over the head. When I came to, he told me that he'd been hired to take me out of the picture.”

Odin gives my hand a squeeze, giving me the strength to go on.

“I think Grandmama was working with the traffickers to get rid of me. When she finds out that I’m here, she’s going to be angry. She’s not going to stop until I’m out of the picture.”

“I won’t let that happen,” he says.

“There’s only one way you can ensure that she can’t hurt me. But if you kill her, you’ll be starting a war in our world.”

Odin says, “I found the boy who you left with. His real name was Eugene, and he had a lot to say after I got ahold of him.”

“He’s dead?”


