Page 147 of Vicious Vows

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Another kiss and then he disappears toward his study. I realize I’m smiling, and it feels good.

I stand, stretching. I’m about to go to the kitchen and ask Chef Pascal for ginger ale when the elevator dings. Odd. Odin didn’t mention anyone coming over. The sound of high heels clicking against the tiled floor makes my chest tight. I’d know that sound anywhere. Mother comes to a stop in the doorway, her gaze narrowing on me.


“Mother,” I greet her. “You look upset.”

And she does. Her normally well-kept appearance is haggard, like she hasn’t been sleeping. Her hair is oily, and her clothes are wrinkled.

“Of course I’m upset. I told that fucker that I’m pregnant and he told me he wanted a paternity test.”

I feel dizzy. “You’re pregnant?”

“Eight weeks, if my missed period is any sign.”

Now I feel like I’m going to be sick. That would mean he was fucking us at the same time. No! He swore he wasn’t.

Mother doesn’t seem to notice my turmoil and asks, “Is he here?”

“He’s in his study, I think.” I move toward the foyer. “I’ll give the two of you some privacy.”

Thank god I have somewhere to be today.

She grabs my arm, stopping me. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you mean?”

“Mother said she sent you away. What are you doing back?”

I give her a small smile. “Maybe you should ask Odin.”

Her eyes widen. “Odin? What has he done, Anna?”

She spins before I can reply and storms toward his study. Call me a coward, but I don’t want to stick around and see what happens, so I head to the elevator. I close my eyes. He lied to me. And now I don’t know what to do.



I’ve been at Ellie’s house for less than ten minutes and I’m already telling her my life story. Or the last few months of it, anyway.

Ellie gives me a sympathetic smile. “That must have been very frightening for you.”

“I don’t know if frightening is the right word.”

“But Odin saved you?”

“He did.”

She chooses her words carefully. “I’m going to be frank, just as I was with Ari a few weeks ago. I get the impression there’s more going on with you and Odin than either of you is letting on.”

I nod once.

“Does he know how you feel?”

“We haven’t had time to talk about everything. He says he loves me, but then I found out that he lied.” My eyes water. “My mother is pregnant.”

Her eyes widen. “Oh, Anna.”
