Page 40 of Vicious Vows

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He says, “Dinner is at eight. Wear something nice.”

“Oh, so now that I’m here, I can eat outside of my room? Pass. I’ll take my meals in here.”

“That can be arranged.”


We stare at each other until he laughs, shaking his head. I’m about to ask what’s so funny when he turns, leaving me to get settled in my new room.

In the corner, there are a few boxes that were sent from Grandmama’s house. Opening them, I realize just how childish some items look in this room. I empty the box, deciding to toss some of the items, and grab the box with my books. There’s not a bookshelf, so I place them on top of the dresser, putting my special book right in the middle, where it’ll hopefully be safe. If not, then I’ll have to resort to hiding my pills under my bed.

It doesn’t take long to unpack everything. Part of me wants to go out and explore, but I don’t want to run into Odin or my mother. Or worse, Odin and my mother in an intimate moment. Like, I know it’s going to happen. They’re engaged, and he’s already implied that my mother knows how big his cock is. That doesn’t mean I want to see it, though. Hell, even seeing them hold hands was a lot.

At eight, there’s a knock on the door. A maid enters, carrying a tray. When she lifts the lid, I bite back a groan. One fucking egg on a leaf of kale. There’s not even wine.

“Did Odin send this?”

Her cheeks turn pink. “I’m not sure, ma’am. The cook said to bring it, and so I did.”

“Is it possible to get something else?”

“No, ma’am.”

Of course it’s not.

I dip my head. “Thank you.”

She scurries away as I stare at my egg. I used to think my diet was Grandmama’s choice, but now I’m wondering if it has been my mother all along. Part of me wants to throw the egg against the wall, but I don’t because I’m hungry.

After I finish, I set the tray outside of the door. Just like at Grandmama’s house, there’s not much for me to do, so I grab my phone, unlocking it. I use an app to check out e-books from my library and I’ve been waiting for a specific book by my favorite romance author, Katana Collins, to be released. It’s not there, so I check my email. I’m not one of those people who can let emails pile up in my inbox. There’s only one, and it’s from Odin. How in the hell did he get my email address?

My finger hovers over it before I finally tap it open.


Below is a list of rules that are to be followed while you’re under my roof.

1. You may not invite anyone over when your mother and I are gone.

2. You may not leave the house unless your mother or I are with you.

3. You may not go on dates. Period.

4. Drug and alcohol use is forbidden.

If you break these rules, there will be consequences, including loss of your cellular device and anything else I see fit.


I let out a laugh. This man has some nerve! I delete the email and open Snapchat, going right to Hans’ profile. I’m pleased to find several snaps from his trip to Australia. In one snap, he was taking a shot glass out of a woman’s bikini top. Odin’s words cross my mind. He’s right, in a way. I’ve seen the women that Hans surrounds himself with, and I most certainly do not fit the mold. But maybe that’s what makes me so perfect for him. I want to send him a snap, but don’t.

Sighing, I toss my phone on the nightstand. It’s only nine, but I’m tired. I stand, digging out a nightshirt and panties from my suitcase, leaving them on the bed. In the bathroom, I unpack my toiletries and hang my towel next to the shower. My thoughts are jumbled as I step under the hot spray of water. I can’t keep going on this way. I just can’t. Each day that passes, I feel more depressed. And I’m scared that I’m going to give in to the bad thoughts that flit and flutter through my mind. Oh, I don’t like to think about it too much, but I can see how easy it would be to give in to them.

My eyes sting with unshed tears as I finish washing and rinsing my hair and body. Reaching on the outside of the shower, I grab my towel and wrap it around my body. I screech when I step out and find Odin leaning against the wall.

“What are you doing in here?”

He grips the towel, pulling it from me. I shiver under his stare, but I’ll be damned if I back down.
