Page 76 of Vicious Vows

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“Well, I know you’re not going to spank me if I misbehave. There are too many people around who will see what kind of creep you are.”

His grip tightens, sending a dark thrill through me. I’m playing with fire, but I’m more than ready to get burned.

His breath fans across my face. “Baby girl, you better stop talking back to me right now.”

“Or what?”

There’s a millisecond where we stare at each other before our lips slam together in a brutal kiss. I’m not sure which of us is punishing the other, but I don’t care. Not when his arms wrap around me, pulling me close. I moan when he shoves his thigh between my legs, pressing into me. I nip his lip before kissing away the sting. He, in return, rubs his thigh against me, pressing into my pelvic bone and making me moan into his mouth. I don’t know how long we stand there, but it’s long enough that our kisses turn sweet and full of things we can’t say aloud.

Someone clears their throat. “Odin, yourwifeis looking for you.”

We pull away, both of us breathing hard. In the doorway stands Odin’s brother, Heimdall, who has his gaze adverted. Heat burns my face. Oh my god. What must he think of me?

Odin says, “Ready yourself and then go say goodbye to your mother. Understand?”

I nod. He turns, following Heimdall, leaving me to my shame. I slip into the bathroom and have to fight tears from falling. I look thoroughly ravished. My lips are swollen from Odin’s kisses and my lipstick is smeared. My dress is wrinkled. And pieces of my hair have come down from the updo. Somehow, I manage to ready myself as best I can before leaving the room.

I find my mother in the banquet room, surrounded by people. She frowns as I make my way toward her.

“There you are. I can’t believe you did this to me.”

Her voice carries so others look our way.

I force a smile on my lips as I say, “Can you forgive me, Mother? I know I’m a selfish girl who ruins everything.”

Her eye twitches twice. “Of course I forgive you. You are my only child, after all.”

Aunt Vivika gives Mother a sly look. “For now.”

Those two words settle over me like ice. For now. Because she plans to have a child with Odin. I literally feel sick.

“Mother, I hope you have a wonderful time on your honeymoon with Mr. Vilulf.”

“I will. It will be so nice to be away from certain things.”

Her nose lifts, implying I’m included in that blanket statement.

I turn to Grandmama. “And maybe when they return, we can begin the process of finding a match for me.”

Grandmama and Mother share a look, but Grandmama nods.

“I think that’s a good idea. I have already begun making a list of matches.”

Mother says, “Somewhere far away, I hope. Isn’t the Family in Japan looking for a bride or two?”

She’s talking about The Dragon and his Family. The Dragon rules over Japan with an iron fist. I’ve only met him once, and he scared the crap out of me. But he has three single sons.

I keep a smile on my face. “Or maybe somewhere in Canada. Isn’t the King Family looking for a bride for their son?”

Grandmama nods. “Young Stefan is on my list, though there are rumors he’s on the verge of starting a war with a rival Family.” She eyes me. “Though war can be good for a young Don and his bride, bringing them closer together.”

Everyone knows that war amongst Families often means there are casualties. She doesn’t say it, but women are often used as pawns. Is she hoping something happens to me? I wouldn’t put it past her. Before I can answer, Odin strolls up to our group, pulling my mother into his arms. My aunts sigh as he kisses her longer than is socially acceptable. When they pull apart, he looks right at me, putting me in my place. I lower my gaze as Grandmama steps forward.

“Odin. Selma. You have both made me proud today. May you both have a blessed union.”

Odin kisses each of Grandmama’s cheeks. “Thank you for trusting me with such a precious jewel.” He turns his attention to my mother. “Shall we leave, my dear wife?”

My aunts rush forward to say their goodbyes and I seize the moment to get as far away from them as I can. I watch from the shadows as he takes her hand, bringing it to his lips to kiss before he leads her outside. Everyone follows, cheering them on as they get into their waiting car. I don’t, though. No, I stay right where I’m at until they’re gone.
