Page 75 of Vicious Vows

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As I look around, I try to remember if anyone has a single son or brother who might be considered an appropriate match. The Facilier Family is here from Vegas, and Mr. Facilier has a son who is close in age. He’s not here, though, and there are rumors that the Facilier Family carries dark secrets. I notice that Mr. Facilier has his gaze trained on Freja. Could he be her mystery man? Stranger things have happened. My gaze moves from him to others around the room, finally ending back on the men standing next to Odin.

His brother, Heimdall, is his best man. Heimdall looks like a blonde version of Odin, but where Odin is harsh, Heimdall looks like he smiles often. He shoots me a small smile that I don’t return. Next to Heimdall is Henrik. Henrik is closest in age to Odin and was the first to marry his true love. Next is Larson, who is still single. Then Aric, Osman, Vidar, Brodric, Aksel, Thore, Harold, and Wayde. Hans is the only Vilulf missing, making my chest pang. Why isn’t he here?

My gaze finally goes back to Odin, who’s watching me. Mother touches his arm, and he looks at her, smiling. There’s no love in his gaze, but it still hurts to see them together. My nails dig into my palm as the ceremony begins.

I can do this.

One hour later, the wedding is over, and the new Mr. and Mrs. Vilulf are introduced to the entire room. There are polite claps that turn into cheers when Odin dips Mother as he kisses her. My nails break through the skin of my palm as I watch. They both look so happy and, when they stand, Mother’s cheeks are bright pink.

Hand-in-hand, they make their way down the aisle. One by one, the rest of the bridal party follows. I’m about to follow when the wedding planner appears at my side.

“This way, dear.”


She motions for me to follow, and I do, because I’m never one to make a scene. I’m led to a hallway where I follow her back to the bridal party room.

“Your mother wishes for you to stay in here.”

“But I’m supposed to be at the reception.”

Her smile is tight. “I was given explicit instructions. You are to stay in here.”

I didn’t think this day could get any worse. Turns out, I was fucking wrong.

The hours seem to drag on while I wait for the reception to finish. I can hear voices, laughter, and music from the banquet room. I wonder if anyone even notices that I’m gone? Probably not. The wedding planner pops in every once in a while, to see if I’m still here, which is comical since she literally locks me inside each time she leaves.

My stomach growls and I feel lightheaded. I’ve drunk every last bit of champagne in the room, but it’s not enough. Curling into a ball on the couch, I close my eyes, falling into a troubled sleep.

I jerk awake as someone shakes my shoulder.

“You are fucking unbelievable,” Odin says from above me.

He’s lost his tux jacket and his tie is untied. I don’t miss the smudges of lipstick along his collar. From where my mother kissed him.

I sit. “Why am I unbelievable?”

“You hid in here like a spoiled brat instead of supporting your mother on her special day.”

“You really think I’m in here by choice? I was told to come in here. In fact, Wendy the Wedding Planner has made sure that I can’t leave even if I wanted to by locking me in.”

“That’s twice now you’ve claimed to be in a locked room. Stop lying. It doesn’t become you.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “Your mother is devastated that you’re acting this way.”

“And let me guess. You were there to comfort her, right?” I stand, putting distance between us. “Why are you even in here? Shouldn’t you be holding her close while she tells you how horrible I am?”

His jaw tics. “I’m in here because she wants to see you before we leave.”

“Then why didn’t she come find me herself?”

“Because she was afraid you would say something to wound her.”

“Jesus. Do you hear yourself?”

“Anna, I’m not in the mood for this. Come say goodbye to your mother so we can leave.”

“Are you sure that’s a good idea? I mean, I might make her cry.”

He closes the distance between us, gripping my arms. “Don’t make me say it again.”
