Page 77 of Vicious Vows

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This is for the best. He’s married now, which means whatever this thing between us is now over. It should bring me relief. Not make me want to cry.

I inhale. I’ll get over this. I always do.



The next day, I leave my bedroom and head toward the kitchen. A young maid stands at the counter talking to a chef. Well, flirting is more like it, if her blush is any indication. I clear my throat, getting their attention.

“Why wasn’t a tray brought to my room this morning?”

The maid fixes her apron. “Miss, we were told you don’t take breakfast.”

“I do, and I’m hungry. I’d like eggs, bacon, and toast. You may bring it to me in the dining room.” I pause. “And Chef? I’d like you to come when my food is brought. I want to go over the menu for the next few weeks.”

His cheeks are flushed as he nods. “Of course, ma’am.”

I turn and make my way to the dining room. Nervous energy courses through me as I sit. I hate confrontation. Did they notice that my voice was trembling when I told them I wanted food?

Moments later, my food is brought in, and the Chef follows the maid, his hands clasped behind his back.

“What is your name?”

“Chef Pascal, ma’am.”

“Chef Pascal, were any instructions left for my meals while my mother and Mr. Vilulf are gone?”

“No, ma’am.”

“And it never crossed your mind to seek me out to see if I had any preferences?”

His cheeks turn red. “Forgive me, ma’am. I assumed you would want to keep the same diet that you’ve had since arriving.”

“You mean the single egg on a leaf of kale? Tell me, Chef Pascal, do you know anyone who would willingly eat that?”

He has the decency to look embarrassed. “No, ma’am.”

“Now thatthatis out of the way, I’d like to discuss my menu. Did you bring anything to write on?”

He produces a tablet and stands next to the table while I tell him my likes and dislikes. By the time he leaves, I’m assured that I’ll have three meals a day, and none of them will include a boiled egg. Smiling, I finish my breakfast. When I’m done, I make my way to my room and dress for the day. Hopefully Freja is free because I could really use that girl talk right about now.

In the bathroom, I pull out my burner phone that she was able to discreetly give me at the wedding before she left and send her a text.


What are you doing today?

Nothing. You?

Hoping you can come over.

On my way!

I’ll let the doorman know!

I’m smiling as I leave my room, heading toward the elevator. When I go to push the button, one of Odin’s soldiers moves in my way, blocking me,

“Sorry, ma’am. I’ve been given strict orders not to let you leave until Mr. and Mrs. Vilulf return from their trip.”
