Page 35 of One & Only You

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“They definitely were,” Wyatt answered.

Then he took the time to tell everyone about how beautiful the bungalows were and every amenity the place offered. The entire time, my eyes stayed on Allison. I knew her well, and I knew she was itching to say something.

Then she spoke.

“I thought Allison wanted to go to Paris. Remember?” she asked, directing her attention toward me. “You went on and on about how badly you wanted to go. You should go right away.”

I grinned, feeling all eyes on me. “We just got back, Addy,” I said through my teeth.

Wyatt saved me, turning toward me with a loving smile. “If you really want to go, we can. Anything you want, baby. Maybe before the end of the summer?”

Allison’s eyes went wide at his sweet admission, and something told me he had never spoken to her so sweetly. Her expression shifted to one of anger, and I knew she wanted to be her usual self and pitch a fit. It was funny watching her rein her attitude in.

When she turned her attention to me, her pinched lips and angry expression wasn’t good. Bad things were coming, I could feel it.

The rest of dinner went off without a hitch, and it wasn’t long before we were saying our goodbyes by the front door. I was a little hurt that my dad couldn’t tell us apart, but I had to remember Allison and I were identical. I couldn’t be upset with him for seeing what we wanted him to see, but still, it saddened me a bit, considering how close we were.

On the way back to our house, I stared out the window and let a tiny tear slip down my cheek. I had gained Wyatt, but I lost the relationship I had with my father. I missed him, and with everything he had going on at the moment with his cancer, I knew now wasn’t a good time to pull away. Starting tomorrow, Allison, aka me, and Dad were going to start having a better relationship.
