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He then watches in horror as Ian is murdered and witnesses Poppy’s Primal fury. Later, in the woods outside Oak Ambler, he tells her that Tawny is hurt but alive and that the bleeding has stopped. Attempting to deal with everything, he and Vonetta share a drink from a flask, and he asks what the plan is. When Poppy reveals that she’s a god and has confirmation, Emil reaches for the flask again.

Emil, Delano, Naill, and Vonetta accompany Poppy back to Oak Ambler to meet with Jalara. When they split off, Poppy tells Emil to be safe. Later, he tells Delano that he’s confident he can take out the twenty guards on the north wall. When he meets back up with the group, he openly shares his disgust and fury over what they found on the Rise. Naill drags his sword across the side of the barracks to get the guards’ attention, and Emil says, “Well, that’s one way to do it.”

Kieran asks when the mortals will stop referring to the wolven as overgrown dogs, and Emil replies that they don’t know the difference and then spits on a guard who was about to stab Netta.

The group encounters a bunch of Craven, and Emil asks why the Ascended would keep a stable of them. Poppy tells him what the mortals of Solis were led to believe and guesses that they probably let the Cursed out from time to time to terrorize the locals. Emil is shocked to hear that people would actually believe those kinds of lies.

When they eventually return from Oak Ambler, Emil escorts Vonetta to see Poppy and doesn’t miss his chance to tease her by bowing low and calling her Your Highness. When she asks if he’s going to keep doing that, his only reply is, “Probably.”

After her mission to spread the word about Poppy and the Atlantians, Vonetta relays that it went well. She tells them they told scores of people about Poppy and Casteel’s marriage and Poppy’s godhood, and Emil states how he wishes he could have been there to see their reactions. Poppy says that she doesn’t deserve any credit for the way things went because it was Casteel’s idea to reveal the Ascended’s lies, but Emil reminds her that it was her idea to put out the word that she was a god and thus deserves credit, as well.

As they talk more about what it means now that the truth is out, Vonetta goes to grab a piece of bacon, and Emil swipes it up first. She is utterly affronted—I would be, too. Bacon is the answer for everything, and that answer is always yes—but he offers to share it with her. When she asks him why he’s there at all, he tells her it’s because he missed her. She clearly doesn’t believe him, and he tells them all that he came because they received a missive from Duke and Duchess Ravarel. The only words: We agree to nothing (in response to Poppy’s hope for negotiation).

Emil walks in on a screaming woman he calls the widow, and Poppy tells him that her name is Vessa, but the crone just tried to stab her. She then asks for the woman to be put somewhere safe. Emil wonders why she isn’t being put in a cell, and Poppy tells him that she’s worried about Vessa’s advanced age and wants to make sure she doesn’t get hurt.

Sadly, it’s something she will later come to regret.

Emil joins Kieran and Perry to deliver the locked box from the Blood Queen. He explains that a Royal Guard delivered it, said it was for the Queen of Atlantia from the Queen of Solis, and then slit his own throat the minute he stopped speaking.

As Poppy adds her blood to the lock, a shadow leaks from the box, and Emil curses and then says a little prayer when he sees what’s inside—Casteel’s finger and his wedding ring. He, Naill, and Vonetta later go out into the pines to respectfully take care of the box’s contents.

As I pen these details, I’m noticing a trend with Emil. He seems to be the one to take on the tough tasks in order to spare those he cares about. He may hide behind a mask of sarcasm and a flippant mien, but he has a big heart.

After the tragedy of Vessa’s storm, and Poppy’s subsequent enactment of punishment, Emil mentions the god of death—who he calls out as Rhain—during their discussion. Reaver corrects him and says there was never a god of death, only a Primal of Death. As we know, Rhain is the God of Common Men and Endings.

When they begin talking about Revenants and Kolis, Emil confirms for Reaver that the Chosen were the third sons and daughters.

Emil is present for the briefing with the generals and pours wine and water for those who want it. When Lizeth calls Poppy Liessa, they all bow, including Emil. Later, when Valyn asks what will happen at Oak Ambler, Emil tells him they may as well get back on their knees because he won’t like it, and Poppy will likely go full god on them again.

As they leave for Oak Ambler, Emil and a small horde of guards flank Poppy. They encounter a group of people leaving the city, and Emil is on alert as Poppy stops to talk with them. When one reaches into their bag, Emil goes to draw his sword to protect her, and Poppy stops him. As more details are revealed, Emil comments that two Rites back-to-back isn’t normal—and is concerning.

At the Oak Ambler gates, the Rise Guards don’t believe that Poppy is who she says she is despite her assertion and the copious Royal banners. When they openly disrespect her, Emil makes it very clear that he hopes he gets a chance to kill the mouthiest one. When Forsyth alludes to the fact that the Atlantians are from a godless kingdom, Emil remarks on the painful irony of the Ascended calling them godless.

After Nithe unleashes his fire, and the mortals clear the Rise, Emil lets Poppy know when the last of them is clear. They fight their way inside, Emil and Kieran striking out with swords, and Emil warning everyone about the castle’s archers.

Once things calm, Poppy tells the draken to find a safe place to rest, and Reaver chooses the top of Castle Redrock. Emil is aghast when he sees where the draken decided to roost.

Later, in the chambers under Castle Redrock, Emil leads the guard, Tasos, as he moves to where the Ascended sequester themselves during the day. They see a ton of dead servants and eventually come upon a horde of Craven. They fight, trying to get to Arden. Unfortunately, when they finally reach the wolven, he’s dead. After discovering the additional chambers with all the bodies of the Chosen on the verge of turning, Emil offers to take care of them, saying he’ll cover them and make it quick.

Once again taking on the tough tasks.

Reaching the room with the stalactites, Emil bickers with Naill about it being a real word. The two would argue about whether the sky is blue, I swear.

When General Cyr tells them that a group of residents wish to leave, Emil agrees with Poppy and Vonetta that they should be allowed. While planning Cas’s rescue, Emil suggests that Poppy, Kieran, and Reaver take whiskey with them as a distraction and a way to make sure anyone who stops won’t look too closely at them. As they go to leave, and Poppy tells Vonetta she trusts her to rule in her stead, Emil asks why not him. Vonetta calls him a mess again, and he teases Netta, telling her she likes his kind of mess—which means she likes him. He then bows to Poppy and tells her to go and get their King.

After they rescue Cas, Emil meets up with them in Padonia. When Cas embraces Delano and Netta, Emil asks if Cas missed him, to which Cas replies that he didn’t think about him once—don’t worry, he later gets a big hug from the King. Emil then turns his attention to Poppy, telling her that he knew she would get him—Cas—and placing her hand against his armor-adorned chest as he looks upon her with respect. When they discuss Malik, Emil remarks that he doesn’t look anything like what he expected—meaning the Prince looks healthy and not like a captive—and asks if it’s true that Malik didn’t want to return with them. Cas tells him it’s complicated.

As the Padonia Rise comes into view, and Poppy remarks how beautiful the wisteria trees are, Cas says they should be pulled out. Emil agrees and adds that they’re weakening the Rise and have even breached the eastern wall in some areas. When Poppy asks about the Ascended who ruled there, Emil tells her that they were gone before their people arrived, just as they were in Whitebridge and Three Rivers. Cas asks more about that, and Emil tells him that the Ascended fled Three Rivers but thankfully left the mortals alive.

As they cover more of what happened while the groups were apart, Emil tells Poppy that her plan worked, and the people heard about what happened in Massene and Oak Ambler before they even reached Three Rivers. Poppy corrects him and says it was their plan, all of them, and Emil blushes at the recognition.

He isn’t quite so humble when Poppy praises Vonetta for how she handled the armies, and she replies that she had help. Emil suggests that he was the best of that help.

Just before Valyn and Malik reunite, Casteel asks Emil and Naill to keep an eye on his brother. Taking that to heart, Emil and Naill strategically place Malik between them at dinner. When Sven and General Aylard chastise Valyn for keeping the truth about the Blood Crown a secret, Emil remarks that things are getting awkward. Cas then threatens Aylard, and Kieran quips that things are about to get even more awkward, making Emil laugh. After dinner and a nod from Casteel, Naill and Emil escort Malik from the room.

Following a fight with the Craven in the Blood Forest, Emil remarks that the trees are leaking and asks what it is. Perry taunts him by telling him that it’s in the name—blood trees—which utterly grosses Emil out and causes him to hurriedly wipe his hand on his pants. Reaver joins them, and Emil tells him it’s nice that he finally showed up…until the draken snaps at him. Then, he tells him it’s nice to see him.

The boy has a death wish, I swear. His mouth is going to get him into serious trouble one of these days. The more I learn, the more I love him, but…
