Page 115 of Euphoria

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“They could just spell things properly,” Francine complained while Morgan tried not to laugh too loudly at the pair of them. The whole “ee-lee, ee-lie” debate had moved into various other places around the UK that made absolutely no sense. Morgan had to admit, on a fair few she might agree with the American.

“What is in Ely anyway?” Morgan asked. “I don’t think I’ve been this way very much. Holidays in our house always ended up in Dorset, or abroad.”

“There’s a cathedral,” Francine said dryly.

Alex smiled at the pair of them. “It’s a beautiful town.”

“With no decent hotels,” Francine continued to grumble. Alex couldn’t blame her, as she’d been busy these past few days fending off journalists. Alex was under strict instructions not to speak to the press. Regardless of what was said, they would have their day in court. Until then, Laurel could mouth off all she wanted. Evidence would speak for itself, Philip had instructed.

Checked into the Airbnb, unpacked, and lounging on the sofa by midday was perfect as far as Morgan was concerned. Alex was at the piano playing the piece that Morgan knew was for her.She smiled at that, even when Alex grumbled to herself, stopped and reworked something until she liked it and jotted down the new notes. If pressed, Morgan would have to agree that she probably wouldn’t have noticed the changes that occurred regularly from each venue to the next that Alex played it, but there had been many. The more involved they became, the more they fell for one another, and the more emotion it evoked in her.

Alex played the piece from start to finish again and then closed the piano lid and sat up straight, swivelling on her stool to face Morgan.

“Did you want to go and do something?”

Morgan peered over the back of the couch. “Like what?”

Alex shrugged. “I don’t know.” She stood. “But it’s my only day off until the tour ends, and I just thought it would be nice to do something.”

“I’d love that,” Morgan said, swinging her legs around to sit up properly. “Could we go into town and look around?” She slumped back into the soft sofa. “But what about Laurel?”

“What about her? She’s not allowed anywhere near us.” Alex held out a hand for Morgan to take and then pulled her to her feet. “Unless you’d rather—”

“No, I want to go out. I think we can manage one day without the need for you to ravish me.” She smirked.

“Not that I’m counting, but I don’t think I’ve actually ever been this intimate with anyone, almost every day for three weeks—” Alex admitted.

“Enjoy it while it lasts. But not now. Right now, I want to go for a nice walk, mooch around the shops, maybe stop for a coffee, and cake. I absolutely want cake.”

Alex grinned. “Then that is what we shall do.”

“Do you think the police will work it out that she’s the cause of this mess?” Morgan said, unable to quite let the Laurel situation go.

“She can’t bother us, Morgan.”

Morgan stepped closer, brushing the back of her hand lightly against Alex’s cheek. “I just want her gone, so we can relax and enjoy this.”

“Then let’s do that regardless. I’ll call Mack and let him know we’re heading out and if he insists on tagging along, that he’s to do it from a distance.”

“And we’re not going anywhere near the cathedral until tomorrow. No work talk.” Morgan grinned as Alex slipped from her grasp to find her phone.

“Yes, ma’am.” Alex saluted while the phone rang. “Mack, we’re going out.”

“Alright, I’ll be right there. Oh, and I got the information you asked about, the phone number. It comes back to a Sharon Ingles. She’s a primary school teacher in Cumbria.”

Alex felt a sense of relief. “Thank you, that puts my mind at ease greatly.”

“No problem. I’ll follow discreetly, enjoy the day.”

Hair up, baseball cap on and a with long flowing black coat that reached right down to her booted feet, Alex walked arm in arm with Morgan up one side of the high street, stopping tolook in shop windows they passed before reaching the end and crossing over to walk back.

“Fancy a coffee yet?” Morgan asked, checking over her shoulder just in case. She didn’t trust that Laurel wouldn’t ignore the law and just do what she wanted.

Alex noticed but said nothing, not giving Laurel any more power to come between them. “Mm, sounds good. I’m a little peckish, too.”

“There was a nice little place about halfway up. We could try that. Maybe they’ll have a sandwich or something?”

“I was thinking more along the lines of that huge cream cake.” Alex laughed and pulled her closer. “I’m enjoying this.”
