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"That was Jean Jacque Battiste, an ancient sorcerer over a thousand years old, and he assists the Coven from time to time. He's not a bad guy but not always very helpful." Enzo answered.

“Why does he help, why does he care what happens to the Hadden Coven?”

"He's bonded to Ian, a coven guard." Enzo turned to Foster and smiled. "The ancient one has a vampire beloved."

"Oh, okay, I get it now. The Hadden Coven has a lot of connections between the Cyprians, Mr. Battiste, the angel Dario, and so many others. All the Coven is missing is a hellhound." Foster commented.

“What do you know about hellhounds?”

"Not much, just what Zac and I were discussing when he was babysitting me." Foster shot back.

"He wasn't babysitting. He was just providing you backup in case you needed it, and as it turned out, you needed it." Enzo returned in kind.

"All I need is you, Enzo. All I'll ever need is you."

"You say the sweetest things, my love." Foster leaned closer and kissed Enzo's cheek.

