Page 19 of Personal Research

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“What’s that?”

“Not sure in this light, but I think you just photocopied your very beautiful backside.” He laughed at her horrified expression. “I’m so keeping this.”

“Please. Give it back.” She tried to wiggle off the copier, but he held her in place with one hand and swung the paper way above her head. “C’mon, Enzo, please!”

His hand stilled at her use of his name, but his heart bumped. So clichéd, so stupid. He’d had feelings for women before, but never so fast. Never so overwhelming.

“It’s all yours.” He folded her fingers around the photocopy, rewarded by her grateful smile. He’d never be able to deny that smile anything. The power she had over him should have made him back away, but all he wanted to do was ride the current.

“Thank you.” Her smiling mouth touched his. “You’re a true professional.”

“Oh yes, I am.” He shifted his cock inside her, already rousing. “Besides, I can make lots more.”

His thumb hit the copy button three times as she started to laugh.


She was having an affair.An honest-to-God, no-strings-attached affair.

Elena tucked a stray curl behind her ear while Enzo gathered their stuff for the walk back to work. Lunches at the park near the law firm were already becoming part of their daily routine, when weather permitted. She’d never been happier, and it wasn’t just because she’d become used to getting half a baker’s dozen of orgasms every night.

Hegother. Despite growing up countries apart and living very different lives—her world traveling consisted of one trip to Marineland in Canada during sixth grade—they meshed so well. Scarily well, actually.

She’d never realized before the big difference it would make in her life to meet that one person who understood her jokes and could deliver exactly what she longed for in bed.

Or against the wall, or on the staircase, or in the shower, while he whispered things in Italian that sounded like sin but could have meant “hot buttered noodles” for all she knew.

Not that she cared. She happened to like hot buttered noodles.

They didn’t talk about the future. They lived in the present, milking the moment for all it was worth. If she occasionally wondered what would happen when he finished school in May, she didn’t let the thought slow her down. Today was a gift.

The first week, they’d met every night for sex, and sex only. By the second, she’d started sneaking away to have lunch with him. He had a thing for bologna sandwiches. She ate his pickles and pretended they didn’t give her bad memories of meals in the high school cafeteria.

The third week, he invited her to spend the night at his bachelor pad off campus. Two rooms, one a bedroom. She’d never seen so many family pictures crammed in such a small place and had never felt such affection for people she’d never met—and maybe never would—just from hearing his stories about his parents and younger sisters back in Tuscany. He’d come to America to spend time with more of the Irish part of his family. His obvious affection for his loved ones had prompted her to reach out in a way she hadn’t in months.

She’d called her parents, at home in Utah. And she’d lived to tell the tale with her sanity intact.


“Are you going to go see them?” Enzo asked, bringing her hand to his lips. He did that often, especially as they walked together after lunch. One of these days, someone would spot them and start asking questions, but she liked the way he touched her far too much to ask him to stop.

“You mean actuallygothere?”

He grinned. “Yes, I mean go there, Bella.”

The idea horrified her only slightly. She loved her parents, but the word conservative didn’t come close to describing the regimented way they lived their lives. They’d never approve of her sideline writing erotic romances, or of her affair with the office computer guy. Enzo was so much more than that, but they would only see what he wasn’t. He didn’t have a secure job yet, and he didn’t need a two-year lease to feel settled.

Everything that made her care more for him would be a hindrance in their eyes.

“We could take the trip together. A new adventure.” His gaze roved over her face as he kissed her knuckles. “I’ve never seen Utah.”

“You haven’t missed much.”


“I know. Sounds awful. I don’t hate the place, not really. It wasn’t Salt Lake City’s fault I felt stifled there. It was mostly mine.”

She stared straight ahead and pretended her heart hadn’t done a backflip at his casual suggestion. New adventures were the name of their game. From risky office sex to making love on a secluded bench in the park as they’d done during a surprise thaw last week, they were all about exploring the new.
