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I’m mostly excited to hopefully begin to take it easy with her. Maybe being away from the noise of the city will allow us to spend more time together. It’s been four busy months of makingsure the merger between Bishop and Moore Hotels went smoothly. I sold the penthouse next to the Moore headquarters after we bought a new office building with triple the amount of space we used to have. One thing Tyson, Winnie and I were on the same page about was making sure we upgraded to one space that would fit all of our employees. We wanted everyone to be in the same building to be able to collaborate and feel the true strength within the merger.

“Step,” Winnie instructs, pausing for a moment and keeping a tight grip on my hand as she waits for me to climb the steps to the large double doors of the house.

“I really don’t think blindfolding me is necessary,” I tell her, unable to hide the smile forming on my lips. I love how passionate she’s been about making the house perfect before we moved in. It’s absolutely adorable how insistent she was on surprising me this evening.

“It’s your fault,” she notes, dropping my hand for a moment. I’m about to complain about her doing it until I hear her pull the doors open.

“And how is itmyfault?”

“You insisted on not being a part of the planning process. You left me to my own devices while doing the interior decorating. I had to see it all the way through and keep it a secret until the very last second.”

A small laugh erupts from deep in my chest. I’m so fucking in love with this woman. She could keep me blindfolded all night if it made her happy, if I got to keep hearing the giddiness in her voice like I am right now.

“I hate it when you’re right,” I admonish, my words not sounding strong in the slightest.

She sighs. “No, you don’t.”

My lips quirk. “No, I don’t. You’re so fucking sexy when you’re right.”

Her breath tickles my cheek before she plants a kiss against my lips. I grab on to her hips, knowing her body by memoryeven with my eyes covered. “God, that was a good answer,” she whispers against my lips. I don’t have to see her to know she probably has the most stunning and wistful smile on her lips. We’re together almost every minute of every day, and her smile still completely takes my breath away.

“Are you going to reward me by letting me see what you’ve done with the house, then?” I ask, my voice rough.

She laughs, her breath caressing my cheeks again. “Maybe. Now I’m nervous you’re going to hate everything.”

My jaw clenches as my fingertips dig into the small of her back. “I’ll love every single well-thought-out detail of this house—all because it came fromyou.”

“You’re quite the charmer tonight,” Winnie remarks, teasing my bottom lip between her teeth.

“I’m a charmereverynight,” I correct, pulling her completely flush against me.

Her hands find my shoulders, steadying herself as her body shakes with a laugh. “Are you ready to see everything?”

I nod, eager to see what she’s done. I don’t know how she managed to find the time to remodel and decorate the house while also taking charge as head of design at Bishop-Moore Hotels. She’s incredible, and there isn’t a day I don’t wake up entirely grateful that she’s mine and that she’s accepted me as hers.

“It’ll just be one minute,” she whispers before pressing her lips to my neck. I groan, anxious to see what she decided to do with the house we’ll raise a family in.

“You tease,” I growl, my grip on her hips tightening as she kisses the skin above my shirt collar.

“I kind of like having you blindfolded,” she notes, her fingers expertly undoing the top button of my shirt.

“I’d much prefer to see everything,” I quip, relishing in the feeling of her lips pressing against my skin.

My cock gets harder and harder the further she unbuttons my shirt. “What are you doing?” I ask gruffly.

“Having my way with you while you’re blindfolded.”

“You’re teasing me, baby,” I croak.

“It doesn’t have to be teasing.” She bites my neck, making my cock get even harder. I fucking love it when she gets possessive.

“As much as I love the thought of you having your way with me, I want to see the house, baby. I want to see the proof of all your hard work.”

She lets out the cutest little huff, one that finally has me braving pulling off the blindfold just so I can see her beautiful face. It doesn’t disappoint. I smile at the way her bottom lip juts out in a dramatic pout.

“You weren’t supposed to take that off,” she scolds.

My thumb traces over her bottom lip. “I’ve told you I’m not a patient man.” I avoid looking behind her and ruining the surprise, but it’s hard not to. From the brief glimpse I got out of the corner of my eye of the foyer, she’s changed much more than I thought.
