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Except she won’t find me there. Because I’m married and playing house with a man I barely know.

But a man I want to know…

A man I want to know everything there is to know about. I tell myself it’s because if I figure out Archer Moore, maybe it could help my dad in some way. Sure, I’m the one who backed us into this corner to begin with. But maybe if I knew more about Archer, I could help us become better than the Moore dynasty.

Or maybe, just maybe, I want to get to know Archer for reasons that have nothing to do with our last names and everything to do with the fact that he intrigues me. He’s hot and cold, mysterious but blunt, and long after we parted ways last night—or me running for the hills from him—I lay awake wondering who exactly my husband was.


Camden is coming into town with his new girlfriend. They’re both attending the gala tomorrow with us.



I’m so excited to get to know her! Although, I feel a little bad for her.

Camden’s kind of a grumpy asshole.


I thought we could have some dresses waiting at Camden’s apartment tonight for us to try on. Her name is Pippa and I thought it might be fun for her to pick something out to wear. The guys can cook while we play dress up.


I get to try on dresses that cost more than my paycheck AND have Beck and Camden cook for me?

This sounds like the best night of my life.


No. The best night of your life would involve a rich, single man buying you a dress and making you dinner.


The dream. When will it be my turn?


I’ll tell Beck and Camden that we’re in. Now we just need to hear from Winnie.


Winnie, where are you? I know you’re incapable of sleeping in. Look atyour phone, bitch.

A sad smile creeps onto my face as I stare down at my phone. The light pours through my large bedroom windows. Orange light dances along my comforter. Part of me wants to pull on some of my running gear and get outside and go for a run. Or even a walk. I miss the fresh air, and I think getting out is exactly what I need to clear my head.

Just as I begin to climb out of bed, my phone vibrates again.


She’s probably just busy. Winnie, just let me know if you’ll be there tonight so I can plan accordingly! It’ll be a fun girls night catered by the guys.

I sigh, deciding I’ll use the fresh air to help me think through a way to tell the two people who matter most to me in this world that I got married without telling them. Margo and I haven’t talked as much as we normally do lately. She’s busy being a world-renowned artist and a newlywed. But Emma, she knew minor details about Blake. I know she’s going to have a ton of questions when it comes out that I got married, and it wasn’t to the man I last told her about.

I’ve always been good at avoiding things when I really want to, and this is one of those situations. Without a second thought, I turn my phone off and slide it underneath my pillow. I don’t need it to go for a walk, and if either of my friends tries to call me, it’ll go straight to voicemail, and they’ll assume my phone probably died. I have always been known for forgetting to charge it anyway.

It doesn’t take me long to pick out an outfit for the morning. Later today, I’ll put on makeup and get ready for whatever Archer has planned for us, but for the morning, I want to have a fresh face. I want to feel the sun on my skin immediately anddon’t want to take any time to paint on makeup that I’ll just wash off in the shower.
