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I’m the last to join, completely speechless as tears begin to well in my eyes.

My best friend is pregnant.

“Mar,” I sob, crying right along with Margo as we all hug one another. “You’re going to have a baby.”

Margo’s shoulders shake as she looks at us. “That’s positive, right? I’m not making it up?”

Pippa laughs. “That’s absolutely positive. Those lines are dark.”

“I’m going to have a baby,” Margo whispers, her eyes wide with disbelief. “I can’t wait to tell Beck.”

My heart swells with love for my best friend and her husband. It’s surreal, knowing that they’ve wanted to start a family for a long time now and it’s finally happening for them. All we ever used to talk about in college was how we wanted to be moms. We’d talked about our list of baby names we loved, and now her dreams are coming true.

“You’re going to have a baby,” Emma repeats, tears running down her face. Emma never cries, so in return, I cry even harder at the sight of her doing it.

“I’m just so happy for you,” I sob, wiping under my eyes in an attempt to stop blubbering like a baby.

“Okay, now we need to think of a cute way for you to tell Beck. Are you going to do it today?”

Margo nods. “I suck at secrets. I’ll have to tell him almost immediately after seeing him, or I’ll just blurt it out instead of doing something cute.”

“No, we’ve got to do cute,” Emma argues, throwing the pregnancy test box away. “Looks like we’re going shopping after all. But now for baby clothes and a way to tell Mr. Sinclair he knocked up his wife!”

We spend the rest of the afternoon picking out outfits, even though Margo argues with us to wait. We’re too excited, and by the end, she is, too. We didn’t end up going to the winery, but instead, we got to celebrate our friend being pregnant and coming up with a way for her to tell Beck they’re expecting.



“Okay,Moore, are you going to spill how you actually ended up married to the only daughter of your family’s rival, or are we just going to pretend that didn’t happen?” Beck questions, being far more nosy than I expected him to be.

I laugh, twirling the bourbon around in the crystal glass. “Should I ask you the details on how you two found your relationships?” I lift an eyebrow, my focus on Beck. “Funny how you ended up engaged right after this big article came out about how much of a playboy you were. Let me guess, your board of directors really didn’t love seeing the face of their company being talked about so negatively?”

Beck smirks, trying to play coy as he takes a drink from his own glass. “It was the investors that were the real worry.”

I nod my head. “Convenient how you got engagedrightafter. To your brother’s ex-girlfriend, no less.”

“When two people are meant to be, there’s no reason to wait,” he responds. “It seems you understand that.”

“Indeed.” I take another drink, my eyes roaming around the dark, private room of the club. It cost a fortune just to spend the afternoon here, but I’ve been enjoying myself. Although they’re some of the most powerful men in their industries and in New York in general, they’re actually cool.

I’ve been around pretentious men my entire life. Men whowant to show off the number of zeroes in their bank account and talk about all the women they’re fucking behind their wife’s backs. Camden and Beck aren’t like that.

There’s easy conversation with them. If we weren’t sitting in a private club that costs thousands each month to be a member and dressed in suits that custom fit our bodies, you’d never know how much any of us made.

Except maybe their conversation back and forth about Camden looking to build a new house in Pippa’s hometown and all he wants to do with it.

“Well, Pippa and I are not engaged—yet—so there’s nothing you can give me shit for, Moore,” Camden says smugly, taking a large puff of his cigar.

“I’ll think of something,” I joke, leaning back in the leather seat. My phone has gone off a few times since we arrived at the club, but both Beck and Camden have stayed off of theirs, so I’ve done the same. It’s refreshing as hell. I don’t know anything but working, but this weekend has taught me how burnt out I truly was and how much of a break I needed.

“So your family approves of the marriage? It’s no secret how much Winnie’s family fucked over yours. I just don’t see your father welcoming Winnie into the family with open arms,” Beck prods.

I don’t mind all of his questions. I’d be curious, too. Everyone in the circle of New York’s elite is more than aware that the Bishops and the Moores hate one another. A marriage between two of the children is their own version of Romeo and Juliet—except this one has a far less dramatic ending.

“Do you know my dad well?” I ask, giving me more time on what answer I want to give these two. I actually like them both. I might even view both of them as friends, so I don’t really want to lie to them if I don’t have to.

Beck laughs, but Camden’s the one to answer. “Yeah, kind of. He’s a bit of an ass, though, not going to holdback.” He sets his cigar down and takes a drink of his bourbon. “And I can say that because mine’s even worse.”

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