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We laugh with her, the three of us facing away and looking to the wall.

“Just make sure you hold it in your stream for the full five seconds!” Emma demands.

I giggle.

Emma glares at me once again. “What?” she asks.

“You’re just being really bossy,” I tease.

“I’m being helpful,” she corrects with a grin. “I’m sorry for being excited about having my first niece or nephew.”

“How’s it going?” Pippa asks, still staring at the wall.

“I can’t get anything out!” Margo admits, humor in her voice. “It’s hard to force anything with you guys in here. Or maybe I’m just nervous.”

“Think of running water,” Emma offers.

“Oh, look, you cured me of being pee shy,” Margo counters sarcastically.

“What if we turn on the fan?” I ask, flipping the switch up. It roars to life, definitely filling the quiet of the bathroom.

“Oh, that’s perfect,” Margo says from behind us.

We all wait as we hear her flush. The moment the water turns on as she starts to wash her hands, we turn around and close the distance to the small pedestal sink.

One single pregnancy test sits on the counter. She’s put it facedown, so we can’t see the results yet.

“How do we want to do this?” Pippa asks.

“Yeah, do you want to look first and then tell us?” Emma adds on to Pippa’s question. “One of us looks and tells you? Or do we all just lookat the same time?”

Emma shifts on her feet nervously. I hit her thigh, not wanting to make Margo even more uneasy.

“I think I want us all to look at the same time,” Margo answers, anxiously pulling on the neck of her turtleneck. “Just don’t be disappointed if it’s negative, okay? There’s always next month.”

“We’re just excited to be here with you for this. No matter what,” I assure her.

Both Pippa and Emma nod their heads in agreement. We all take a step forward, our shoulders hitting one another as we stare down at the turned-over pregnancy test.

“Okay, I think we can flip it over now,” Margo whispers, worry evident in her voice.

“You want to do the honors?” Emma asks Margo.

Margo shakes her head. “I’m too nervous. One of you do it.” She holds up her hand, showing us how shaky it is.

I take it, and before long, all of our hands are piled on top of Margo’s as we reassure her that we’re with her on this.

“Okay, Emma, turn it over,” Margo demands, her voice full of anxiety.

“One…two…” we begin to count as Emma wraps her hand around the stick. On three, she flips it over, and we all lean in with our breaths held.

“Two lines means pregnant, right?” Emma asks, grabbing the box from the sink to confirm.

“Oh my god,” Margo cries, her hand covering her mouth as she stares at the test.

“You’re pregnant!” Emma yells, wrapping her arms around Margo’s middle.

“Holy shit,” Pippa says excitedly, joining the hug.
