Page 100 of The More I Hate

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Not the doll my mother had made up, not the woman I had been expected to be, but just me.

With my arm linked with my father’s, we walked down the makeshift aisle. It was sectioned off with small solar lights in soft reds and pinks. The flower girls had sprinkled the grass with orange and red rose petals. I wanted to commit every detail to memory.

The smiling faces of people I actually knew and loved looked back at me from rows of seats. The makeshift altar had been positioned just under the First Love statue that still made me think of that night with Luc when I realized we had a shot at happiness.

This was the spot where I had broken his heart and chosen myself.

Now that I had started finding myself, Luc had turned out to be the perfect partner.

He was patient when I asked him to let me make my own mistakes and take my own chances, like hiring a girl fresh from college with no experience as an event coordinator. He had been supportive when I wanted to take on more scholarship students. Even when I just needed to vent about the frustrations of starting such a large project, he sat and listened. Rose had told him to never offer help or solutions unless they were asked for.

The man hadn’t even scoffed when I told him I wanted a small wedding and reception that was not covered by the press. When I told him I didn’t want to wait a year or even a few months to get married, he had made the sweetest love to me, right there on the hardwood floors.

The justice of the peace stood, centered on that statue.

To his right were Rose, and Luc’s sisters. Each wore simple dresses in muted shades of red that enhanced their complexions and complemented the red embroidery on my dress. On the other side stood my brother, as intimidating as ever, but with a soft smile as he gazed at me. Then, standing at the end, waiting to take my hand, was the most amazing man I had ever met.

Luc Manwarring, the man who in a few moments would be my husband.

He was incredibly handsome in his classic black suit with his red tie, his blue eyes wide as he looked at me in awe.

That look—I would never get sick of that look.

He looked at me like he saw me, all of me, every single flaw, and loved me all the more for it.

Most women I knew dreamed of a church wedding to a rich man. I had gotten something far greater—a garden wedding of my dreams to a man I loved more than anything.

“Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to…” The justice of the peace went through his speech, and I barely heard a word of it.

I was lost in Luc’s eyes, as he was lost in mine.

My world had imploded when he interrupted my first wedding.

It had set me on a path I hadn’t known was possible.

Thanks to this man, I knew who I was and what I wanted out of life.

I supported him and his work and his goals like a good wife, but he also supported mine. In his eyes, at least, we were equals.

My school was close to being operational. We had decided that at least half of the spots would be for students on scholarships, and we had several qualified teachers coming in to teach classes. Then, at night, we had local artists to offer adult classes. The tuition for those would cover most of the operating costs.

Luc had even agreed to take a few pottery classes with me there.

For the time being, I had moved into his condo. We had found an older building we loved, a prewar brownstone, in which we got to design the new layout for. It combined the modern touches and conveniences he loved with the antique, old-world details and color I adored. It was perfect. As soon as it was ready, we’d be moving in there then figuring out the rest of our lives.

I didn’t care what the world threw at us because now I knew, at the end of the day, I was his.

His wife, his lover, his equal, his obsession.

And when we were alone, his dirty little girl.

“I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride.”



Who held their wedding in a park during the New Jersey fall?
