Page 101 of The More I Hate

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It was tacky.

No, worse than tacky, it was common. They hadn’t even closed the entire park. I was able to just stand by a different sculpture and watch as Luc Manwarring stole what was supposed to be my future.

I couldn’t believe he expected us to believe that they were “in love” now. They’d split up and then two months later they were married. That wasn’t love. That was an unplanned pregnancy. Her brother had probably made some arrangement so his sister didn’t embarrass him.

No one who knew Luc was ever going to believe he loved this girl. There were only two things Luc loved, and they were money and power. He loved thinking he was so far above the rest of us that he was untouchable. Everything he cared about was protected.

Soon, I was going to show him just how foolish that was.

Just like having an outdoor wedding in an unsecured location was foolish.

I sat back and watched their asinine little farce of a ceremony. His eyes were on his bride, but mine were behind her on my target. Olivia Eireann Manwarring, Luc’s precious sister. Luc had stolen my bride, and the fortune that would have come with her. Fine, I’d steal his sister and take her as my own.

The ceremony was tedious, but the more I watched this girl with the sun shining red in her long dark curls, the more I realized that, despite the embarrassment of the first wedding, I might just have the better end of the bargain. Olivia was stunning, and she had been raised a Manwarring, so she’d know how to behave in society. There was no doubt in my mind that she was a brat who would need to be broken in. That was fine.

I would have fun showing her how to be a wife. I bet those pretty brown eyes would be even better with tears filling them as she sucked on my cock.

Finally, the crowd rose and cheered as Luc kissed his bride. He picked her up and carried her back down the aisle to everyone’s adulation, and I couldn’t help but bristle, my hands tightening into fists.

“Oh my, she looks so lovely,” a woman in some hideous knit sweater said as she stood next to me. The wedding had drawn a crowd of peasants to watch the festivities.

So fucking common.

I moved away from the crowd and went to get into position.

The wedding guests would soon head to the reception in the little restaurant that was in the park. The Rats, which seemed appropriate, was on the other side of the park, and the guests would head there while the wedding party took a few pictures. It would be the entire wedding party for about twenty minutes, then some of just the bride and groom as the sun set.

Finally, the wedding party headed toward The Rats.

I would not be much longer.

I called my security team and told them to get the private plane ready.

Soon, the guests were leaving the restaurant to wander the grounds.

I watched as Olivia separated from the guests and made her way down the secluded forest path toward me.

This was, of course, by design. I had left nothing to chance.

A quick hundred-dollar bill in the right server’s pocket had ensured that they dropped a few hints to Olivia about the more unique sculptures on the grounds that the tourists usually missed. Based on my research of her, I knew she wouldn’t be able to resist.

When she rounded the final corner, I looked over my shoulder to ensure she wasn’t followed, as the dense fall foliage swallowed her retreating form.

On silent feet, I stalked to within a few feet behind her.

I was so close, the scent of her perfume mixed with the rich, smoky scent of the woods.

The corner of my mouth lifted.

The sweet smell of revenge.

To be continued…
