Page 65 of It Kills Me

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It wasn’t hard to come with him, but it was still easier first thing in the morning, when my mind was still out of it. I came as I kept my face buried in his neck, and his final pumps were almost immediately afterward. He rolled off me unceremoniously and walked into the bathroom.

The shower turned on a moment later, just as it did in my apartment.

I fell back asleep.

When I woke up again, it was to the smell of breakfast wafting in from the other room. It was like the last time I’d stayed there, having a slow morning after a fast-paced night. I left the sheets, seeing the mess I made. Or he made, I should say.

I helped myself to one of his dressers and found a clean shirt to wear. My essentials were packed in my bag, so I grabbed a new pair of underwear then quickly brushed my hair before I went into the bathroom and did my morning routine. I brushed my teeth, washed away all my old makeup and put on a new face, and then walked into the main room.

Axel was on the couch in just his sweatpants.

I wished he could wear those all the time. They left nothing to the imagination.

He was watching a football match, and when one of the teams scored a goal, he cursed under his breath. “Motherfucker.”

“Smells good.” I walked to the table, seeing the fancy silver dishes covering everything to keep it warm.

Axel left the sitting area and walked to me, starting the morning by giving me a kiss and grabbing my ass at the same time. “Hungry?”

“I’m always hungry when I’m over here.”

He pulled out the chair for me.

I sat down and watched him pour me a cup of coffee, adding a splash of cream, like he remembered from last time. Then he sat across from me and pulled off the lid on his plate, showing a plate full of eggs, bacon, and sourdough toast.

When I pulled off my lid, I found a huge stack of chocolate chip pancakes, hash browns, and scrambled eggs mixed with shredded cheddar cheese. “I can’t believe you wake up to this every morning.”

He relaxed in his chair and looked at me as he sipped his coffee. “Me neither.”

My cheeks flushed with heat, and I looked down at my food again.

We ate in silence, the comfort between us at a new level. That spark we shared was still there, always there, always burning in the background, but there was something else …like trust? Or friendship? I wasn’t sure what it was, but it was nice.

“I want to slip back into the tub and take a nap.”

“You’re welcome to stay as long as you want.”

“You don’t have plans?”

“I have stuff to take care of later, but that doesn’t mean you have to leave.”

“Be careful,” I warned. “Or you’ll have a squatter.”

He grinned. “As long as you’re squatting on my face, that’s fine with me.”

I arrived at my father’s estate then approached the main doors. I was in a black gown made of satin, the material reflecting any light that came near. It had one sleeve that covered my entire shoulder in an elegant fashion, and the dress was tight around my waist and hips. My hair was pulled back and diamond earrings my father had given me hung from my lobes.

My father entered the parlor and crossed the room, handsome in his tuxedo. “Hello, sweetheart.” He gave me a one-armed hug and a quick kiss on the cheek. “You look lovely.”

“Thank you. How was Croatia?”

“The weather was beautiful, but the company was shit.”

“Can’t have it all, right?”

“I suppose not.” He opened the door and let me step out first before he joined me. His driver pulled up, and we got inside before he drove off.

My father was unusually quiet and kept his gaze out the window.
