Page 42 of Claim & Don't Tell

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Avoiding the alphas isn’t as hard as it seems. Dylan is the easiest. Between him studying for law school, training at the gym, and me lifeguarding, our encounters are brief. A flash of his smile. His fingers tickling over my side and the scowl I throw in his direction in return. Austin is a little harder to dodge, but I steer clear of the kitchen while he’s home. More than once, I hear his footsteps outside my door. He never knocks, and as soon as he retreats, I crack the door open and find a fresh plate of food.

A peace offering? Not that we fought, but our encounter the day I discovered my real dads finally cut the final cord was tense. I’m not a total asshole. Once he’s gone and I can wash the dishes and clean up, I leave sticky notes behind, thanking him for the food.

I’m being a chickenshit, but with all three of them so close, my sanity is fraying.

Avoiding Brady is like taking cover when the sirens warn of an impending tornado. His schedule is the most consistent, the law office keeping typical business hours. The first time I ran into him in the hallway, I pressed myself against the wall,shrinking away and making myself small. He eviscerated me with a glare and stomped away.

I set up my laptop on the dining room table, preparing for a virtual interview and thanking the heavens that the alphas are gone. A soft, warm breeze rolls through the room from the open windows. With the fresh air, I can think. I don’t need their scents messing with my head during this interview. Two firms haven’t responded to my inquiries, and I was starting to get desperate when the HR manager from Arkins & Arkins called me to schedule an interview.

Smoothing my blazer and blouse, I settle into the seat and check my camera before clicking on the link to the interview. Another breeze sweeps through the dining room, teasing my hair. I probably should have closed the window, but it’s too late now. My screen fills with four rectangles. One is the video feed of myself, and the other three are my interviewers. Arkins & Arkins is owned by twin brothers, and they’re easy enough to identify, with their white-blond hair and square jaws. The other interviewer introduces himself as Kyle, the very definition of a golden boy, with his lightly tanned skin, golden hair, and bright blue eyes.

He’s handsome, but he has nothing on my alphas.

They’re not mine.

“Quinn, tell us a little about why you want to work at Arkins & Arkins,” the twin with a little longer hair and a red tie prompts.

Uh, because I need a job? Why the hell else would I send in my resume?

Honestly, some interview questions are so dumb, but it’s a game everyone has to play.

“Arkins & Arkins was named the up-and-coming firm of the year in last year’s accounting digest, and I like that the company is owned and operated by a family.” I take a breath to make sureI’m not talking too fast. “And the work from home option is an added bonus.” I smile as the three of them chuckle.

“Great, now let’s see what the next question is.” The twin with the blue tie squints at the list of questions set out in front of him. “Tell us about three weaknesses you have and how you’re working on them.”




I’m avoiding them. Does that count?

“Quinn?” Kyle asks.

Right. The question isn’t about those types of weaknesses. “My three weaknesses are that I’m a perfectionist, I sometimes have trouble balancing work and life, and I struggle a little with presenting in front of a large audience.” I bluff my way through the answers I’ve memorized, saying enough of the right things and admitting enough of the truth to keep them hooked.

The interview is going well enough until the final question.

“This one is a little harder to ask.” Kyle releases a nervous chuckle.

My heart sinks, and I know what is about to be said before he even stumbles through the question. Porn. Mosley & Adams. I clench my fists beneath the table but try not to let my frustration bleed into my face.

“That won’t be a problem,” I assure them, not bothering to defend myself this time.

The twins arch their eyebrows at the same time, and the one with the red tie asks, “So, you’re undergoing counseling?”

I release a harsh breath before I can stop myself. Now I’m needing counseling for my non-existent porn addiction? Mr. Mosley is a dick. “Uh, yeah,” I lie, catching the frustration on my face in the camera feed. I force my features to smooth. “It won’t be an issue.”

“Well, thank you for your time, Quinn. We’ll be in touch if you’re hired.” The twin with the blue tie waves, and the interview ends before I can even close out with my thanks.

Snapping the laptop shut, I grab my phone and shoot off a text to Daria.


Do you know any legal ways to murder an alpha?


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