Page 96 of Sinner's Mercy

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“Fair enough,” Montana sighed before looking at me. “What about you, Mercy?”

Taking a deep breath, I knew whatever I said would be the deciding factor. While I wanted George to pay for everything he’d done, I wasn’t sold on killing him. I agreed with Storm about killing a legacy brother. The logistics of that would be a nightmare. Then there was Virginia to consider. If we killed George, Virginia would lose the club’s protection. And even though she was Montana’s mother, he couldn’t use club resources on the wife of a dishonored brother, regardless of who he was. Then there was Montana and his brothers to consider. George was Montana’s father. I knew Montana loved his dad. Killing him would weigh heavily on his shoulders and mess with his head, and that was something I couldn’t allow.

“Blood of a Sinner,” I sighed. “While I agree he needs to die, it can’t be at our hands. The repercussions of ordering his death would affect too many people. So, I vote forBlood of a Sinner.”

“All in favor?”

It was a unanimous vote.

Chapter Thirty-One


Two weeks later,

“And how is the communication going?”

Smirking, I looked at Caleb, who hid his smile behind his hand. In the weeks that followed, Caleb insisted I spend more time with Torment, so I could learn to express my feelings in a healthy manner. While I didn’t mind talking with Torment about my life, I preferred Caleb’s therapy sessions, which consisted of lots of orgasms.

“Um, we’re talking,” I snickered.

Torment rolled his eyes. “Can you two please take this seriously? Fucking is not communicating.”

“Wouldn’t say that, brother. She communicates very well when I’m inside her.”

“I’m serious here, folks. Both of you got into trouble because of your lack of communication. That’s why the two of you are still being ordered to see me. I will not sign off on the two of you until I can look Montana in the eye and tell him that you’re both solid.”

“Fine,” I groaned. “We are talking. Not just in bed. It’s still not easy for me, but Caleb is patient and gives me space to get my words out.”

“And what about the BDSM part of your relationship?”

“We still play,” Caleb said. “But not like before.”

“And the Playground?”

Caleb sighed, leaning back against the couch. I snuggled close to him as he said, “Malice agreed to buy me out, but then changed his mind and decided to sell the place. He found a buyer and we’re meeting with him in a few weeks. Apparently, this guy is planning to revamp the whole damn place from top to bottom. Even hired one of my crews to do the work.”

“And how do you feel about that, Largo?”

“I’m good with it.” I shrugged. “While playing is fun, I don’t want it all the time. I think we’re finding a balance between both.”

“Do you agree with that, Mercy?”

“Yep. Got no problem mixing things up. Keeps me on my toes, ya know?”

“How are things with you and George, Largo?”

“Same as before.”

“You haven’t talked to him,” Torment stated more as a fact than a question. Which was true because since the night the truth came out, I’ve flat-out refused to see the man.

“Why should I? He never wanted me or my brother. So why should I care what he has to say?”

“Maybe to settle any unresolved feelings?”

“What feelings? I don’t feel anything about him. As far as I’m concerned, whatever the club decides to do about him has nothing to do with me. He made his bed. He can lie in it.”

Leaning back in his chair, Torment looked at Caleb, smiling when he asked me, “And how do you like having Montana as a brother?”
