Page 97 of Runaway Pride

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“Cut her some slack, hon.” Sarah stepped in, landing a hand on her husband’s shoulder. “Rick was the one who insisted on staying, remember? You can’t put the blame all on Charlie.”

“I’m not putting the blame on her. I’m upset for him. Maybe it was too soon to have them meet until you could get a better read on your mom.” Alex moved his plate away, appearing to have lost his appetite. “Or maybe they shouldn’t have met at all. She clearly doesn’t prefer Rick. You shouldn’t have pushed for it.”

“I…” Charlie was speechless. It wasn’t often Alex would berate her. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I shouldn’t have.”

“Alex, settle down. They’ve got this. Charlie loves him,” Sarah defended. “She’ll protect him. This is between them, anyway. We have no business interfering.”

Alex’s breath intake showed his hesitation. Sarah was right, Grace had gone too far. She’d crossed so far over the line it was debatable whether her stunt was forgivable. At the moment, it wasn’t.

Charlie’s mother wasn’t the only one who played a hand in ruining that night. Rick’s mother had turned up, in the worsttime, throwing gas into the fire. From Alex’s lack of mention, Rick hadn’t told Alex about their mother’s sudden appearance and wondered if she should.

Deciding that he had the right to know, she divulged even further about that night, not realizing their mother’s identity then. The brothers hardly spoke of her, and it was a little of a shock to discover Charlie had actually met her once before.

Alex’s face paled at the news, his reaction identical to Rick’s that night.

“Well, no wonder he didn’t want to say anything!” Alex said. “I would’ve wanted to block everything from memory, too!”

“She’shere?” Sarah cried in astonishment. “Of all the years that I’ve known you, I’ve never met her or even seen a picture.”

“Why would you? She practically didn’t exist. I should really call him.”

Charlie watched her friend shake his head, his expression a blend of wary and defeat. It took a lot to beat Alex’s normally jovial nature. She hadn’t discussed Rick’s feelings about his mother’s return only because he didn’t look like he wanted to, but she now knew she had to get him to talk.

He’d been more distant since, and Charlie thought to give him space. What he really needed was comfort.


I’ve gotten an update that funding for Project Prime was moved to another project deemed more relevant to the Preservation of Science, so our trip is officially canceled. I am very disappointed about this, and was hoping to embark on an exciting find for my research.

I will forward your information to the head of the newly approved project if they would like to bring you along. However, they won’t start anything until at least a year from now.

Let me know if you have reservations you’ve already booked that can’t be refunded or canceled, and I can talk with them.


Clive Heston

PhD Social Anthropology

The University of Zurich

Rick read over the email on his phone, taking a break from a full hour workout session with Nick. As his buddy took things out on a punching bag, Rick sat on the bench to catch his breath before checking his messages. The email couldn’t have come at a worst time. Or was it the right time?

The night before, he’d received an email from Sloane after months of no contact. She’d informed him about a job opportunity as a photography instructor at a college in Sussex. It would be full time and on site, with connections to journalists and photographers.

Hey Rick!

Haven’t spoken to you in a bit since my last email. I didn’t end up going to LA after all, but I come with good news!

My colleague has a friend who works at Sussex College. They just started a photography program in the fine arts department, and they’re looking for qualified instructors. I’ve sent your work and the last resume you’ve given me over to her, and she passed it to the administrators.

Turns out, they like your stuff and would like to invite you for an interview! From the way they talked about you, I think you’re a sure thing. I also put in my experiences with you and it looks really good.

I know you said you wouldn’t want to move over here, but I think you should consider. This would be a stellar addition to your experiences.It will open opportunities to work with other photographers and get involved in research projects.

What do you think? The program won’t start until next fall semester, so you have time, but I’d at least set up a meeting with them.

Let me know!
