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His frown dissolved into a sympathetic smile, an understanding light flickering in his eyes. "You know," he started, his tone casual, "once, I tore up all my stuffed animals because I was upset. I was scared, angry, all at once. And I didn't know what to do with it all."

Something twisted in my chest. I found myself unraveling, all my fears pouring out in a torrent. "I'm scared, Mike. I'm scared about this date with Hank, about letting another Daddy into my life after what happened with Finn."

His hand reached out, resting lightly on mine. "You know," he began, a hint of his sweet nature returning, "when Daddy asked me out, I was all jelly inside. Butterflies, you know? But the scared kind, not the excited ones."

"Really?" The word slipped out before I could stop it. Mike, scared?

"Yeah, really," he shot back, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "I was afraid I'd lose myself with all the discipline and rules, you know? But look at me, still sassy and fabulous! It’s okay to be scared. Your fears are valid. But they don’t have to rule you. Daddy taught me that. As Littles, we tend to get lost in our own little world, which is why we need Daddies to guide us, to tell us what’s good for us and what isn’t."

"Thank you, Mike," I murmured, my heart full.

In the hours that followed, the remnants of the storm within me were sewn into tiny doll clothes. Each tiny dress, each little pair of pants, brought me closer to calm, one stitch at a time.

"Thanks for helping me," I murmured as I finished mending another doll's dress, my fingers running lightly over the carefully done stitches.

"No probs," he replied, a bright smile on his face.

Like all good things, our day too had to come to an end. Hank's prescribed bedtime loomed large, a curfew I was bound to honor. As Mike stood to leave, his heart heavy and his eyes sad, he lamented, "If only you had behaved, Lina. We could've done so many cool things tonight! Like making a pillow fort, or staying up late watching cartoons!"

His words brought a smile to my face and a warmth to my heart.

"Next time, Mike," I promised, "Next time, I'll behave."

I pulled him into a hug, grateful for his friendship. "Thank you," I whispered, "for bearing with me, even when I'm difficult."

He patted my back. "It's okay. That's what friends do."

As I broke the hug, the door of the apartment opened to reveal Uncle Joe. He looked at us, his gaze softening as he spotted Mike. Within seconds, he scooped Mike into his arms, peppering his face with kisses, much to Mike's playful protests.

Turning to me, Uncle Joe asked, "Was he naughty during your playdate? And be honest."

Mike feigned offense, puffing out his little chest. "Daddy," he started, his voice high, "I'm a perfect angel when you're not around. I want people to know how well you've taught me to behave!"

Joe raised an eyebrow at Mike's witty rebuttal, his lips curving into an amused smile. "Oh really? And I suppose it's just coincidence that you happen to get into all sorts of mischief when it's just the two of us at home?"

"I can't help it if you always catch me in my weakest moments, Daddy," Mike shot back, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Soon, they bid me goodbye, with Mike giving me a flying kiss. As they prepared to leave, Mike chatted away in his Daddy’s arms, recounting the adventures of our playdate with unbridled enthusiasm. Watching them leave, I found myself yearning for the day I could be in Hank's muscular arms, receiving the same affection that Mike received from his Daddy. The image brought a smile to my face.

A moment later, the door clicked shut, leaving me alone in my apartment. I crawled over to my bed and, with a sigh, crawled onto the soft covers.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand. It was a video call from Hank. I felt a tiny flutter in my stomach as I answered, his handsome face filling my phone screen. "How was your day?" he asked, his voice warm and comforting.

I found myself pouring out the day's events and how Mike helped me with mending the torn clothes in hopes of having more playtime. Hank listened, his face steady, his eyes soft. I felt a strange sense of peace. His presence, even if just on my phone screen, was like a calm harbor in a stormy sea.

"Close your eyes, Lina," he instructed gently, his voice breaking the silence. I watched as he picked up a guitar from somewhere off-screen, settling it on his lap.

My heart thudded in my chest as he started to strum the guitar, a soothing melody filling the room. The made-up lullaby he began to sing was like a warm hug.

Sleep now, Little one, under the moon's gentle grace,

Wrapped in the comfort of Daddy's warm embrace.

Just like the moon guiding the stars through the night,

Daddy's love will lead you, with a gentle, loving light.

The moon's soft lullaby, whispered through the breeze,
