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Is a promise of Daddy's love, bringing your heart at ease.

As the night grows quiet, and dreams start to weave,

Remember, Daddy's love is a promise you'll always receive…

The words seemed to echo around my room. My eyes started to droop, the day's events finally taking their toll. The lyrics whispered of promises, of hope, of a love so tender it brought tears to my eyes.

Hank's lullaby was the opposite of what I had experienced with Finn - it was full of sincerity and genuine affection. As the melody wound down, I felt myself drifting off to sleep, the comforting notes of the lullaby carrying me away. The soft glow of my space-themed lamp painted dancing shadows on the walls, providing a gentle backdrop to Hank's serenade.

Just as I was on the brink of sleep, I found myself whispering, "Goodnight, Hank." I barely heard his soft, "Sweet dreams, Lina," as sleep claimed me, the echoes of his lullaby lulling me into a peaceful slumber. The promise of a brighter day lay in those last notes, warming my heart even as I slipped deeper into dreams.

Chapter 20: Hank

I glanced at my reflection in the mirror, studying the contours of my face. I ran my hand through my hair, slicking it back just right as I'd always done. "You've got this, Hank," I muttered to my reflection, practicing the greeting I planned to give Lina.

A soft chime alerted me to an email notification. I opened my laptop, my eyes scanning the menu of the restaurant I was taking Lina to, for what felt like the thousandth time. Was it too fancy? Or maybe not fancy enough? I sighed, shaking my head to clear the encroaching doubts.

The memories of my last relationship with Bianca began to resurface, like a specter from the past. She had accused me of being overly protective, too caring even. The wound of her words was still fresh, and I wondered if I was going too far again. I didn't want to smother Lina with my care, but at the same time, I couldn't help the protective instincts that welled up inside me.

I took a deep breath, steeling myself. "Strike a balance. Respect her space," I reminded myself. This time, it would be different. I was different. I made a final sweep of my apartment, ensuring everything was in order before stepping out.

Before I knew it, I was standing outside her door. Lina opened the door, her eyes twinkling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. A small chuckle escaped my lips as I noticed her mismatched socks. I felt the protective urge to tell her that I had brought an extra pair of socks for her, just in case. But as my hand hovered over the pocket where I'd stashed them, Bianca's words echoed in my head. "You're too much, Hank."

"No," I told myself firmly. I didn't need to intervene at every turn. It was her choice to wear mismatched socks, and it was adorably endearing.

"Hey, Lina," I said, my heart settling into a steady rhythm. "You look... wonderful."

“Thanks,” she said as her cheeks turned red.

Lina's front door closed behind us with a soft click.

"You know," I began, "I heard mismatched socks are the latest fashion trend. You're quite the trendsetter."

A blush spread across her cheeks, her eyes widening as she glanced down at her feet. "Oh, no! I was so excited for our date, I didn't even notice!" she admitted, her voice tinged with embarrassment.

Without another word, she grabbed my hand, pulling me towards her room to correct her sock mishap. My heart thundered in my chest at her touch, my mind reeling from the simple, innocent contact.

As she shuffled around her room in search of matching socks, I found myself leaning against the wall, my arms crossed. But as she glanced back at me, her eyes roaming my figure, I noticed her shiver, a reaction that shot a thrill through my body. It was clear that she found my confident stance arousing.

The sight of Lina bending over to put on the right socks had an effect I hadn't anticipated. The innocent act stirred something in me as I popped a semi. The feelings only grew stronger as she straightened and looked back at me, her eyes wide and innocent. "Hank," she began, "why do you look so restless?"

I chuckled, shaking my head at her seemingly oblivious demeanor. "I have a feeling you're going to be trouble," I replied, my tone teasing as I adjusted the tent in my pants.

Her response was a sweet, bubbly giggle, a sound that made my heart skip a beat. She then took me by the hand, guiding me into her Little space. The sight that greeted me was something straight out of a Little's dream. Coloring books and art supplies were strewn across a low table, and a cozy reading nook was filled with a pile of fairy tale books.

Lina was willing to show me this deeply personal side of herself, her openness pulling me closer to her. This wasn't just a room; it was a piece of her soul, raw and beautiful. It was a space she cherished, a space that gave her comfort and joy, and she trusted me enough to share it with me.

Then as I waited for Lina, she dashed off to tend to her plants. I watched her move from one potted plant to another, watering them and whispering something that was too low for me to catch.

"Do I detect some secret plant language happening here?” I teased, grinning as she turned to look at me. “I didn't know you doubled as a botanist-whisperer."

She responded with a cheeky smile, "Oh, it's a very exclusive club. Sorry, but I can't reveal our secrets. My plants trust me. They grow better with a bit of encouragement. You should try it."

Soon enough, we were in the car, heading towards the restaurant. It was a Michelin 3-star establishment, something that I hoped Lina would enjoy.

As we entered the opulent dining space, she looked around in awe, her eyes wide and shimmering under the soft lighting.

She turned to me. "Hank, this is a lot. You didn’t have to do all this to impress me. I feel so underdressed."

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