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"So, I'm like... your trusty sidekick?" she offered, an impish grin pulling at her lips.

I chuckled. "Something like that. You embrace your Little side. You follow my guidance, express your needs and desires, and have fun."

"I hope you're prepared, Captain," Lina chimed in, her lips curving into a playful smirk. "I might just be the most mischievous passenger you've ever had."

"I might have to handle a few tantrums, huh?" I teased, winking at her.

She giggled, pretending to huff as she shot back, "And are you sure you can handle being stern?"

"I think I might need a crown for this," I mused aloud.

She chortled at that. "And I demand a magic wand!"

In the midst of our shared amusement, Lina suddenly turned serious, a thoughtful look in her eyes. "Can I... add something?" she asked tentatively, and I nodded, handing her the pen.

Her fingers deftly added the words 'and Princess' next to 'Little' under her roles. "Every good ship needs a princess," she declared, her eyes alight with excitement.

I nodded, tugging her into a side hug, "And I think we've got the best one."

We transitioned into the next topic—'Playdate Duration and Frequency'.

"This section outlines when our little adventures will occur, how long they'll last, and how often they'll be. Maybe we should consider marathon sessions that last the entire day?" Lina's eyes lit up, her face glowing with excitement, only for her to pout a moment later when I admitted, "I'm just messing with you, princess."

We landed on the decision to have our playdates twice a week, each session spanning a few hours.

"And remember, being late means a time-out, young lady."

Predictably, her brows furrowed, her pout deepened. "In that case," she retorted, "I think I should get make-up time for any minutes lost. It's only fair, Captain!"

As we prepared to turn to the next section, Lina put her hand on mine, her touch gentle yet firm. "Hank, wait. On second thought, I think this section needs a bit of flexibility. The set timelines feel restrictive."

"Of course. Go ahead, princess. This is as much your contract as it is mine."

She took the pen, her handwriting neat and confident as she replaced the rigid timelines. Now, our playdates would have a naturally flowing duration and frequency, agreed upon on a week to week basis. As she finished writing, she handed the pen back to me with a satisfied nod. Her cheeks were flushed with excitement.

"We're making good headway here," I announced, shifting in our spot on the grass to a more comfortable position. "Now, onto the section for playdate activities."

A particularly ridiculous entry caught Lina's attention, her eyes growing wide as she read, "Mandatory nap times?" She pouted, her lower lip jutting out adorably. "But I don't always want to sleep, especially when I'm excited, like right now!"

With a resigned sigh, I relented. "Alright, nap times can be optional. But..." I added, wagging a finger, "I get to be the one to decide whether you need one, based on how cranky you are."

Predictably, her protest was immediate, though it died down into a reluctant agreement when I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Fine," she huffed, "But only because you might be right."

We then brainstormed other potential activities to do together. Some were utterly ridiculous, like building castles out of marshmallows, a suggestion that had us both laughing out loud. Others were more practical, such as watching animated movies or indulging in some coloring. I even insisted on 'story time' as a staple, promising to spin her tales of knights and princesses that would make her eyes light up with wonder. Her agreement was swift and enthusiastic.

Out of the blue, a mischievous glint appeared in Lina's eyes. "What about a prank war?" she suggested, her tone hopeful.

I balked, an image of our playdates dissolving into chaos immediately popping into my mind. I had to put my foot down.

"No prank wars, princess. Things might go too far, and we don't want that."

With a dramatic sigh, she conceded. The look in her eyes told me she was already planning other ways to keep our playdates lively and unpredictable.

The next section was titled 'Safe words'.

"Safe words are like traffic lights. Green means all is clear, yellow stands for caution, and red means stop."
