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I watched as she processed this, her forehead crinkling in concentration.

"I think I can remember that." Her smile reassured me. I knew she'd keep these in mind, even in her Little state.

We then moved to the 'Limits and Boundaries' section, which was mostly blank spaces that were waiting to be filled with our agreed-upon rules.

“Humiliation and degradation are a hard no for me”, Lina said, her face twisting at the mere thought. “Too many bad experiences with Finn.”

After she added her boundary, I added my own - no aggressive physical punishment. I wanted our dynamic to be positive and nurturing.

"Now, for the 'Privacy and Confidentiality' section. You need to understand that our wacky, magical adventures during our playdates..." I paused for dramatic effect, "...are confidential." I emphasized the last word, savoring the gasp that slipped from her lips.

"But I share everything with Mike!" she protested, her voice rising in panic.

I hurriedly flipped the contract, pointing to a tiny clause scribbled at the bottom of the page. "Exceptions may apply for Mike and Joe only," I read aloud, smirking at the relieved giggle that she let out.

"Alright, princess, we're moving on to the 'Check-ins and Aftercare' section now. This section is about ensuring we're both enjoying our time together. Check-ins are little moments where we pause and talk about how we're feeling." I watched her nod, her big eyes filled with curiosity. "That's right. Before, during, and after our playdates. And especially if we feel a bit overwhelmed."

A shy smile played on her lips. "So, it's like a little temperature check?"

"Exactly," I chuckled. "And aftercare, sweetheart, is not something we can opt out of. It's like a warm down after a workout, except emotionally."

I then noticed her eyes light up when I mentioned watching a movie together, cuddling, and discussing how the session went, amongst potential aftercare activities.

"I think that sounds nice," she admitted. "Actually, I have an idea. But it might sound silly..." She trailed off, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her voice.

"Lina," I said gently, "nothing you say here is silly. We're in this together, remember?"

A brief nod, and she took a deep breath before voicing her idea. "Sometimes, I think surprise gifts or reassuring words might help me transition back to my usual self after intense playdates. It's not too much, is it?"

The apprehension in her eyes was evident. I shook my head, smiling at her thoughtfulness.

"That's a fantastic idea. We'll definitely include it."

Moving onto the 'Conflict Resolution' section, I took a moment to compose my words.

"We might not always agree on things. But it's important that we remember we're on the same team, okay? Our goal is not to win the argument, but to understand each other and find a resolution that respects both our feelings. And that means listening to each other's side of the story, alright?" I winked at her, deciding to lighten the mood. "Even though I'm always right."

That earned me a playful shove, her face brightening with a grin. "Oh, is that so, Mr. Always Right?"

We decided to have a safe word specifically for disagreements during our role-play, a pact to stop and discuss matters whenever the word was spoken.

"This is all about us enjoying our time together," I reassured her. "Resolving conflicts effectively is crucial. Staying mad at each other might feel good in the moment, but silent treatment always leads to escalation of conflicts."

"Now, this next section," I continued, flipping over to a new page, "is called 'Changes and Amendments.' This is how we can update our agreement as we get more comfortable with each other and our roles, or decide to try new things."

"So, does that mean I can ask for a chocolate palace?" Lina chimed in, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Complete with a warm caramel moat? Or maybe even a pet unicorn that shoots rainbows?"

I chuckled heartily. "Well, I make no promises. But I'll have you know my skills as a chocolatier leave something to be desired, and my past experiences with unicorn wrangling are nonexistent, to say the least. But we can certainly discuss it, princess."

"You're such a spoilsport," Lina said with a giggle, her expression sobering as she shifted on the ground. "But seriously, boundaries can change over time, right?"

"You're absolutely right. And this clause is exactly for that purpose. If we need to change something, we'll have open, honest discussions about it. Does that sound fair?"

She nodded, a serious expression on her face that made her look even more adorable, if that was even possible. "Yup."

I let out a soft sigh, bracing myself for the next section.

"Termination," I began, looking at Lina seriously. "This part of the contract outlines the circumstances under which the agreement can be ended."

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