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"It's alright," he assured me, though I could see the sadness in his eyes. "Maybe it's still at the park. We'll find it."

Seeing Mike's sadness, I decided to bring up a topic I knew would lighten his mood. "So, how's Queen Bubbles been lately?"

Mike's face lit up at the mention of his beloved cat, his voice brimming with affection and a hint of exasperation. "Oh, she's been up to her usual royal shenanigans!"

"I wouldn't expect anything less from her."

He began his story, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You know how she's taken to sitting at the dinner table like she's the queen of the house, right? Well, the other night we had some of Joe's college friends over for dinner, and Her Majesty decided it was her time to shine."

"What did she do this time?"

Mike giggled, his voice full of warmth. "She jumped onto the dining table and settled into the seat right next to Joe. Started meowing and pawing at the plates like she was demanding her royal meal. Daddy tried to be all stern, ordering her off the table," Mike said, mimicking Uncle Joe's deep voice. "'Bubbles, down!' he commanded. But you know me, I couldn't resist her sassy appeal."

I laughed again, knowing exactly where this was going. "You didn't!"

"I did!" Mike exclaimed, his grin widening. "I served her a platter of tuna and shrimp, presenting it like it was a royal feast. 'For Her Majesty, Queen Bubbles,' I announced, and she just savored every bite with exaggerated dignity."

"What did the guests think?"

"They were in stitches, laughing and taking photos," he said, his voice filled with pride. "Bubbles was clearly posing for the camera. I mean, no one is that photogenic, but she managed it! And that's not all! After her royal feast, she proceeded to clean her paws, washing them in Daddy’s water glass!"

I gasped, my eyes wide. "No! Uncle Joe is so particular about table manners!"

"Yes!" Mike insisted, his laughter ringing in my ears. "You should have seen Daddy’s face, his horror. 'Bubbles!' he cried. 'That's my water!'"

"She really is something special."

I then told him about the stray cat I'd almost adopted at the park, how it had managed to get away when I wasn't looking.

Mike's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, really? What was it like?"

I described the cat, our brief encounter, and how I'd been charmed by its wild beauty.

"We'll have to go back and find it," Mike said, determination in his voice. "Every queen needs a court, after all."

Just then, a loud meowing filled the air, and I saw a flash of fur as Bubbles jumped onto Mike's shoulder. Her relentless meowing had a demanding quality to it, and I could hear Joe's voice in the background. "Mike, feed Bubbles! You know how she gets when she's hungry."

Mike rolled his eyes dramatically, a playful pout on his lips. "Can't you see I'm busy, Daddy? The queen can wait for her royal feast."

But Bubbles would have none of it. Her meowing continued, growing more insistent by the second, and I couldn't help but laugh at Mike's expression, a mix of exasperation and fondness.

"Okay, okay, Your Highness! I'm coming," Mike finally surrendered, standing up and bowing to Bubbles, who looked thoroughly unimpressed.

As he prepared to hang up, he looked back at me. "I gotta attend to her highness's culinary needs, Lina. Till next time!"

I grinned. "Give my regards to your royal highness. May her dinner be fit for a queen."

Mike dramatically bowed to the screen, his voice full of mock reverence. "Her highness will be pleased to hear of your well-wishes, Princess Lina."

With a shared chuckle, Mike leaned down to kiss Bubbles' paw.

"Take care, Mike," I said, my voice soft. "And give my love to Uncle Joe and Bubbles."

"I will. Love you!" Mike replied, his smile warm and genuine.

"Love you too!" I echoed, waving goodbye as he ended the call.

I was left with a warmed heart and a smile on my face, the charm of our friendship echoing even in the silence. I glanced at the clock, realizing how late it had gotten.
