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My heart fluttered with excitement as I heard a sudden knock on my door. As I approached the door, my mind was filled with joyful anticipation, a playful smile dancing on my lips. Daddy's unexpected visits had become a delightful surprise, something that never failed to brighten my day. I could already feel the warmth of his embrace, see the twinkle in his eyes as he handed me a bouquet of wildflowers or a box of chocolates.

With a light step, I reached for the door, my hand wrapping around the cool metal of the doorknob. But as I swung the door open, my world came crashing down. Instead of the loving smile of Daddy, I was greeted by a man wearing a nightmarish mask that froze me in place.

The grotesque mask was a thing of horror, its surface pockmarked and scarred, the texture reminiscent of rotting flesh. The hollowed-out eye sockets seemed to sink into the man's skull. The knife, long and serrated, gleamed ominously in his hand. Its surface was stained with dark spots, hinting at a malevolent history, reflecting the dim hallway light. I couldn't tear my eyes away from it.

I felt my blood run cold, my body tremble in terror as the face twisted into a grimace that embodied pure evil. It must be Finn!

What happened next was a blur, time stretching and compressing as I was thrust into a heart-pounding fight for my life. The deranged man lunged at me, the knife slashing through the air, each attempt to grab me met with a desperate dodge or a painful block. My body became a whirl of motion, instinct driving my movements as I kicked, screamed, and clawed my way through the chaos.

I used anything I could grab as a weapon. I could hear his ragged breathing, the grunt of effort as he swung the knife, the crazed gleam in his eyes behind the mask. With a primal scream, I fought back, channeling every ounce of strength, every bit of my being into fending off my attacker. My body moved with a will of its own, adrenaline and determination pushing me beyond limits I never knew I had.

Finally, my foot connected with the man's crotch. I felt a surge of power, a primal triumph that momentarily drowned out the fear. Adrenaline flooded through me, propelling me out of the apartment and into the hallways. The familiar surroundings twisted into a nightmarish maze, each turn a lurking danger, each shadow a hidden threat. But amid the chaos, there was clarity, a singular focus that drove me on: survive.

I came across a janitorial closet and rushed inside, closing the door and hiding in the darkness. I closed my eyes and I could picture my imagined wedding day so clearly. I saw Hank, handsome as ever, standing at the altar, his eyes filled with love and anticipation. His suit was impeccably tailored, his hair perfectly styled, but it was the emotion in his eyes that took my breath away. Uncle Joe was there too, as the best man, his face lined with pride and joy, a supportive hand on Hank's shoulder. I then saw Mike in his quirky but elegant attire, a bow tie adorned with tiny polka dots, his mischievous smile a bright spark in the crowd. Elijah, ever the adventurer, was dressed in a tasteful suit with a subtle forest-green pattern, a nod to his love for nature. His eyes sparkled with excitement, his happiness for us evident in every gesture.

But as quickly as the dream formed, it shattered when I opened my eyes, replaced by the terrifying reality of the chase, the madman's obsession, the grotesque mask, and the sinister knife.

Suddenly, there were footsteps, which were relentless, each heavy thud echoing in the dark hallway. I felt trapped, cowering in the janitorial closet. The smell of cleaning chemicals was a harsh reminder of reality, tears mingling with sweat on my face.

But in the midst of the panic, there was a longing, a desperate ache for the safety and love that I had once taken for granted. I saw flashes of a future that now seemed so distant, so fragile. I pictured myself growing old with Hank, our life together filled with joy and laughter, our love a constant, comforting presence.

The door to the closet creaked open. My body reacted before my mind could catch up, my hand grabbing a heavy broom, my arms swinging it with all the strength I could muster. There was a sickening thud, a groan of pain, and the man was down. I could feel his presence, the danger still palpable, but I had won this battle, at least for the moment.

My knees gave way, the adrenaline that had sustained me suddenly draining away. I was on the verge of collapse, but I knew that the terror was not over, that I had to keep moving. My hands were trembling, my arms shaking as I knelt to unmask the man, to finally put a face to the nightmare.

But he stirred, a soft moan escaping his lips, and the terror came crashing back. I was running again, my body once again driven by pure instinct, the need to escape overriding everything else. I found another janitor closet on a different floor, hiding within its shadows, my mind refusing to let go of the fear.

Minutes ticked by like hours, each second stretching into an eternity as I waited, listening for any sign of the man. The silence settled around me, but it offered no comfort. Finally, when I heard no signs of the man, I dared to leave my hiding place, moving cautiously towards my apartment. Every creak of the floor, every rustle of the wind was a potential threat, each sound sending a fresh wave of terror coursing through me.

And then, there was Daddy, standing outside my apartment door, concern etched on his face, his eyes wide with worry. I ran to him, tears streaming down my face, collapsing into his arms. The dreams of happiness that I had cherished were now intertwined with a nightmare that would haunt me forever.

I clung to Daddy, his warmth, his strength, his love providing a small measure of comfort. But even as I buried my face in his chest, even as I felt his arms wrap around me, I knew that the nightmare was not over.

The warmth of Daddy 's embrace transported me back to the day I first saw him at the office, that spark of connection masked by my pretend annoyance of having to see him at both the office and the club. How far we had come on this beautiful journey, a journey that had led us to love, trust, and an unbreakable bond.

Still in his loving embrace, I told him everything about the attack.

But as we broke the hug, my eyes fell on Hank's clothes, and my heart stopped in my chest. The clothes were the same as the masked man's, those terrifying garments that had haunted me just moments ago. My mind began to race, fear and disbelief warring with the love and trust I had for Hank.

"Daddy?" My voice was barely above a whisper, the words stuck in my throat. "Why are you wearing those clothes? The masked man was wearing them. Are you... are you working with Finn? Trying to drive me insane?"

The accusation hung in the air, heavy and painful. I could see the shock in Hank's eyes, the hurt and confusion that twisted his face. But I couldn't stop the words, the panic that was rising within me, the terror that threatened to consume me.

"Lina, you're just being paranoid," Hank said softly, his voice tinged with pain. "Finn must've spied on me at home and dressed in similar clothes to play mind games on you. I love you, sweetheart. I would never hurt you. You know that."

I broke down, tears streaming down my face, the realization of what Finn had done to me, how he had twisted my mind and my heart against Daddy, hitting me with full force.

"I'm sorry, Daddy," I sobbed, the weight of my accusation, the betrayal of my own thoughts, crushing me. "I don't know what's happening to me. I'm going insane. I'm seeing things, imagining things. Please don't leave me. I need you."

I could feel his strong arms around me, his love and support a soothing balm for my shattered soul.

"He's still there," I whispered, my voice trembling. "The masked man, I knocked him down just minutes ago. He's still in the building. We need to find him, unmask him. Prove that it's Finn and not my imagination."

Daddy's eyes met mine, the love and trust in them a stark contrast to the fear that had taken hold of me.

"We will find him," He promised, his voice firm and determined. "We will unmask him, and we will prove that I'm not working with Finn. But you have to trust me. You have to believe in me, in us."

I nodded, tears still streaming down my face, the weight of the accusation still heavy on my heart. But I knew that I had to trust Daddy, to believe in our love, to fight the darkness and doubt that Finn had unleashed.

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