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Finally, when she was on the brink of ecstasy, I pushed my dick into her. She gasped in surprise, her body archingagainst mine. I moved slowly and gently, savoring the feeling of her tight muscles contracting around me. We moaned in pleasure in unison, our bodies moving in perfect harmony.

I picked up the pace, thrusting deeper and harder. She met my every move, her cries of ecstasy filling the air. I kissed her neck, her shoulders, her breasts, leaving a trail of love bites in my wake. I whispered sweet nothings in her ear, driving her wild with desire.

We reached the peak at the same time, our bodies convulsing in shared pleasure. We clung to each other tightly, our hearts pounding in our chests. As the waves of ecstasy subsided, we held onto each other, our bodies still trembling from the intensity of our lovemaking.

Exiting the bathroom, the morning's playfulness transitioned into the reality of our impending day at the office. "You know, we're going to have to endure Mike and Joe's snide remarks about why we're late. They'll probably think it's because we were too caught up in love," I mused, half-joking about the inevitable teasing we'd face from our colleagues.

Lina, ever ready with a cheeky response, grinned and adopted a mock-serious tone. "Well, they wouldn't be entirely wrong, would they? Let me guess," she said, shifting her voice to mimic Mike's, "Took your sweet time making lovey-dovey eyes at each other, huh? If only we could all be so... occupied in the mornings.Or something like,Looks like Hank and Lina were testing the durability of their bed springs again." Her imitation was spot on, complete with the implied innuendo Mike was known for, causing me to laugh at the accuracy.

The time came for her to get dressed, and she presented me with two options: a sleek, professional navy-blue dress or a more casual, yet equally chic, cream blouse paired with ahigh-waisted pencil skirt. After considering both, I chose the blouse and skirt combo. It struck the perfect balance between professional and comfortable, suiting her role at the office while echoing the softness of her personality.

I always admired how decisive Lina was in her professional decisions, a stark contrast to the moments at home when she embraced her Little side, looking to me for guidance on even the simplest choices. It was a dynamic that enriched our lives, providing a balance between independence and care.

Breakfast was the next order of business. My culinary skills were still limited, but I had mastered a few dishes under her patient tutelage. Today, I opted for avocado toast topped with fried eggs, a simple yet nutritious meal that had become a morning staple for us. I arranged the meal on a divided plate, a playful nod to her Little side, while she busied herself with putting away her toys.

"Breakfast is ready, little one!" I called out to her, the scent of freshly prepared food filling the air.

She came running, a wide smile on her face as she announced, "I'm starving, Daddy!" Her enthusiasm was infectious, bringing a warmth to the room.

"Well, you're in luck because Chef Hank has prepared a gourmet meal fit for a princess," I quipped, helping her into the highchair.

As I tied a bib around her neck and began to feed her, her giggles and playful kicking of feet under the table filled the room with joy. Every so often, she'd lock eyes with me, her gaze conveying a depth of emotion that words could hardly capture. In those moments, I imagined her eyes were like windows to a soul that had braved much but still found reasons to smile. It was as if she was saying, "You are my world," a sentiment thatechoed in the silence between us, as vast and profound as the ocean is to the shore.

After breakfast, as we both took our seats in the car, I decided to lighten the mood with a playful checklist for the day. "Let's see, do we have everything? Unicorn glitter for those tough negotiation meetings? A jar of fairy dust for a bit of extra sparkle in our reports? And what about the magic beans for the coffee machine?" My suggestions, absurd yet filled with the whimsy of our shared moments, drew a round of giggles from her.

"Silly Daddy," she replied, the affection in her voice clear.

At Apex Creations, that morning at the office began with the usual buzz of activity, punctuated by the arrival of Lina and myself into her office. Mike trailed behind us, his presence always marked by a vibrant energy that could turn any mundane day into something a tad more interesting.

As soon as we settled in, Mike couldn't resist making a jest about our morning's delay. "So, was the reason for your tardiness today because you two were busy exchanging more than just sweet nothings?" he quipped, a sly grin spreading across his face. The insinuation, though bold, was delivered with such a characteristic blend of sass and warmth that Lina couldn't help but chuckle.

"I knew you'd say something like that," she responded, her laughter betraying no offense. "Hank and I even had a bet going about what exactly you'd come up with."

Mike's playful demeanor momentarily faltered, replaced by a sigh as he let his facade of cheerfulness drop. "Guys, I... I can't do this anymore," he confessed, his voice a notch lower, the usual sparkle in his eyes dimming.

Concerned, I stepped closer. "What's going on, Mike? Is this about Bubbles's latest adventure on the kitchen counter?" I asked, hoping to lighten the mood, yet ready to lend an ear to whatever was troubling him.

"No, it's not Bubbles this time," Mike replied, his gaze shifting to the floor. "It's Daddy. He's been extra grumpy lately, which, you know, isn't entirely out of character for him. But this time, it's different. He's distant, and it's starting to worry me. I think... I think it's because of his family. You know, their lack of acceptance for who he is and our life together. It's like it's starting to seep into his work, and I can see it weighing on him.

"You see, being a Little to someone, it's not just about the care and protection we receive. It's a two-way street. We're supposed to be there for our Daddies, too, to comfort them, help them open up about their worries, be their little ray of sunshine in the midst of all the darkness. But lately, I feel like I'm failing Daddy. He's shutting down, and no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to reach him. It's like there's this wall between us, and I can't find the door. I know he's struggling with his family's rejection, the whispers behind his back, the way his sister looks at us... It's tearing him apart, and I feel so helpless. I should be his safe haven, his escape from all that, but what if I'm not enough? What if I can't be what he needs me to be?"

It was clear that Mike was grappling with the inherent pressures of being a supportive Little, and the desire to be a source of strength and comfort for the man he looked up to. The role of a Little, often misconceived as purely passive, involved a profound emotional labor, a delicate balancing act of receiving care and offering support.

Seeing Mike's distress, I proposed, "It's time we make a plan to bridge this gap. Let's think of something that can showJoe's family the depth and importance of your relationship with him."

We embarked on a brainstorming session. Mike, always one to inject humor into any situation, was the first to present his plan. With a gleam in his eye, he launched into an elaborate scheme. "Okay, hear me out," he started, waving his hands for dramatic effect. "We kidnap Joe, blindfold him, and take him on a 'mystery adventure.' We end up at a staged scene in the woods where I emerge from a giant cake dressed as a fairy. Then, a banner drops from the trees, proclaiming 'This is the man I love, and he's amazing!' Sure to melt the coldest of hearts, or at least confuse them into submission!"

Lina couldn't hold back her laughter, shaking her head in disbelief. "Mike, only you would think hijacking Joe into the woods and popping out of a cake dressed as a fairy is a good idea. I can't decide if it's genius or madness."

Taking a more grounded approach, I suggested, "How about we organize a surprise party for Joe’s birthday next week at my mansion? We'll invite both Mike's friends and Joe's family. It'll be an opportunity for Joe's family to see the love and support Mike provides, all in a setting that celebrates Joe."

Everyone agreed that a surprise party seemed like the most feasible and potentially effective plan. Mike, caught up in the moment, theatrically vowed, "I'll behave extra well, mark my words! I want everyone to see how well Daddy has taught me. They'll see the gentleman he's shaped from the mischievous Little I am."

But then, remembering the party's inevitable highlight, he shivered with feigned horror. "Wait, there's going to be cake, isn't there? Oh no, I've changed my mind— all bets are off. Ihereby officially give myself permission to misbehave a bit. Cake is my kryptonite, after all!"

Lina rolled her eyes, her laughter mingling with the light-hearted atmosphere. "Your commitment to behaving well lasted what, a whole minute? Impressive, Mike."

Mike shot back with a retort, "Hey, in the world of Littles, that's practically a lifetime. Besides, a little mischief keeps life interesting, don't you think?"

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