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Joe, too, showed his concern, frequently turning around from the front seat to check on Mike, his eyes filled with a deep worry that spoke volumes of the bond they shared. Watching them, I was struck by the profound connection between Mike and Joe—a bond forged not just by love but by shared experiences and a deep understanding of each other's pain and joy. It was a relationship that exemplified the true essence of family.

Upon reaching the mansion, I suggested we hold a funeral for Teddy, a way to honor his memory and offer Mike a sense of closure. Mike agreed, a somber smile gracing his lips. "I would like that," he said, the idea offering him a small measure of peace.

Joe proposed the backyard of the mansion for the farewell and burial, "It's the perfect place, Mike. You can visit whenever you want to, keep Teddy's memory close."

Hank, nodding in agreement, added, "It's a great idea. We'll make it a beautiful ceremony." He rubbed Mike's back in a comforting gesture, a silent reassurance of his support.

In the solemnity of the backyard, under the gentle canopy of the evening sky, Joe presented a small box, within which Mike tenderly placed Teddy.

“I wish I had a photo of my parents to remember them by,” Mike whispered. “I barely remember what they look like anymore.”

Gathered around the makeshift casket, each of us took a moment to say our goodbyes. "Teddy, you were more than just a bear. You were a beacon of love and a symbol of Mike's cherished memories," I said, my voice laced with emotion.

Elijah added, "You've brought so much joy and comfort. Your spirit will always be remembered among us."

Mike, gathering his courage, delivered a tearful goodbye speech. "Mom, Dad, I never got the chance to say goodbye, to tell you how much I loved you, how much I've missed you every day. Teddy was a part of you, a piece of our family. Saying goodbye to him feels like I'm letting you go all over again. But I know, deep down, that you're always with me, in my heart, guiding me. I just hope I've made you proud."

He then placed his favorite candy inside the box with Teddy. "He loved this candy just as much as I did. He'll need it where he's going," Mike said, trying to muster a small smile through his tears.

Together, Elijah, Mike and I made a pact to keep Teddy's memory, and by extension, the memory of Mike's parents, alive in their hearts. "We promise to remember, always," we said in unison, our hands stacked one atop the other in a circle of unity.

Joe stepped forward to offer comfort. "Mike, losing Teddy doesn't mean you've lost your parents all over again. Their memories, their love, it's a part of you, ingrained in who you are. The teddy bear might be gone, but what it represents—that will never fade."

"This...this has helped me find a bit of peace. Maybe now, I can start to heal," he said, his voice a whisper of hope amidst the sorrow.

Early the next morning, a knock at the door heralded Mike's arrival at my mansion. Uncle Joe had to embark on a two-day work trip, and I was beyond excited to have Mike stay with us. Crawling over to open the door, my excitement was palpable.

"Mike! I've missed you so much!" I exclaimed, unable to keep the joy out of my voice as I greeted him.

Mike, ever the mix of sass and sweetness, replied with a grin, "Missed me, huh? Hope you've stocked up on candy and fun, 'cause I'm here to turn this mansion upside down!"

However, the cheerful atmosphere took a turn when Joe tried to leave for his flight. Mike became hysterical, clutching at Joe's leg. "You can't go, Daddy! What if you don't come back? Just like...just like my parents, and Teddy," he pleaded, his voice thick with fear.

Joe, torn between his obligations and comforting Mike, tried to reassure him gently. "Hey, I promise I'll be back before you even miss me. You're going to have so much fun with Lina, you won't even notice I'm gone," he said, trying to extricate himself with a heart heavy with guilt.

In an effort to distract Mike from his mounting anxiety, I quickly grabbed a few toys from the living room – a plush dinosaur, a colorful puzzle, and a set of toy cars. "Hey, Mike, check out what we've got here!" I said, hoping to catch his interest.

To further distract him, I launched into a funny tale about a recent misadventure. "You won't believe it, but Daddy tried to bake cookies last week and ended up with what could only be described as charcoal briquettes. He said they were'extra crispy', but even the birds wouldn't touch them!" The absurdity of the story, coupled with my dramatic retelling, soon had Mike giggling uncontrollably, momentarily forgetting his worries.

Seizing the moment, Joe slipped out of the mansion to catch his flight, leaving Mike in our care.

To keep Mike's spirits up, I presented him with toys one by one from the box next to me. Each toy seemed to fascinate him, sparking a series of sassy yet sweet comments. Holding up the plush dinosaur, he exclaimed, "Ah, a ferocious beast! I shall tame it and make it my noble steed!" Next, examining the puzzle, he quipped, "A challenge worthy of my immense brainpower, clearly." And upon seeing the toy cars, he joked, "Finally, a ride that suits my high-speed lifestyle."

However, the laughter and play couldn't last. Mid-play, the realization that his Daddy wasn't around dawned on Mike. His smile faded, tears welling up as he suddenly bolted outside, calling out for his Daddy, only to find Joe gone.

Returning inside, Mike collapsed on the floor, cuddling himself as tears streamed down his face. "Please, I need my Daddy. I can't protect him if he's not with me," he whispered, the vulnerability in his voice cutting through me.

Seeing Mike like this, a shadow of the lively boy he always was, left my heart aching.

“Why don’t we video call your Daddy?” Hank suggested.

I quickly agreed, hoping the sight of his Daddy’s face and the sound of his voice would soothe Mike's frayed nerves.

Once Joe appeared on the screen, the effect on Mike was instantaneous. His tears, though still present, were now intermixed with smiles. Joe, seeing Mike's distress, spoke witha tenderness that filled the room. "Hey, buddy, I know it's hard, but I'll be back in just two days. I'm not going out of your life, not now, not ever. You're stuck with me, remember?" he said, a soft chuckle in his voice. Then, turning slightly more serious, but with love radiating from every word, he continued, "You're my world, my sweet boy. Leaving you, even for a moment, feels like I've left a piece of my heart behind. But I promise, I'm coming back to you. We've got a lifetime of adventures waiting for us, and I wouldn't miss that for anything."

Listening to Joe, I couldn't help but be moved myself, witnessing the depth of their love and the strength of their bond.

During the call, the conversation naturally drifted to separation anxiety, a topic Mike was grappling with in Joe's absence. I shared my own experiences, hoping to offer Mike some comfort. "I remember the first time Daddy had to go away for a weekend," I confessed. "I spent the whole time staring at the door, just waiting. But we talked every night, and he reminded me of all the fun we'd have when he got back. It helped, knowing he was thinking of me, just like your Daddy is thinking of you."
