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After the call, Daddy and I took a moment to reassure Mike further. "Joe loves you more than anything, Mike. He'll be back before you know it," Daddy said, his voice warm and comforting.

Mike managed a small smile, his earlier panic subsiding into a quiet acceptance. "I know he loves me. It's just hard, you know? When he leaves, all those old fears from the orphanage come back. Being left there... it felt like I was being thrown away, unwanted," he confided, the raw pain of his words striking a chord in both of us.

Gathering his courage, Mike sat up, wiped away his tears, and with a determination that belied his earlier vulnerability, declared, "But I'm a brave boy, and brave boys don't cry." He then crawled over to the door, sitting before it with a binky in his mouth and a resolute frown on his face.

Curious, I asked, "What are you doing, Mike?"

"I'm waiting for Daddy to come back," he stated simply, the stubborn set of his shoulders speaking volumes.

I couldn't help but giggle at his earnestness. "It's going to take a bit of time for two days to pass, you know?"

Mike's response, accompanied by a giggle of his own, was quintessentially him. "Daddy asked me to be on my best behavior while he's gone. And the best way I can think of doing that is to sit still and do nothing. Don't want anyone thinking he hasn't taught me manners!"

Mike's attention to the door lasted all of two seconds before the unmistakable sound of toys being played with captured his interest. With the agility only a boy possessed, he crawled over to me, his eyes alight with mock indignation.

"Excuse me, Miss Lina," he said, putting on his best offended tone, "are you having fun without me? I'll have you know, that's a serious violation of the friendship code. Section 5, paragraph 3 clearly states, 'All fun activities must be shared with your best buddy, especially if they involve toys.'"

I couldn't help but laugh. "Oh, is that so? Well, I must've skipped that section in my copy. How about you join in and we make amends for this grave oversight?"

Emboldened by our playful banter, Mike and I found ourselves concocting a prank, the likes of which Daddy hadnever seen. The brainstorming session was a whirlwind of silly and outlandish ideas.

"What if we filled his office with balloons?" Mike suggested, his eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Too tame," I countered. "What about switching out his coffee for decaf? He'd never see it coming."

But it was Mike who struck gold with the perfect blend of humor and harmlessness. "I've got it! Let's tape down the sprayer on the kitchen sink so when Uncle Hank turns on the tap, he gets a surprise shower!" he exclaimed, his laughter infectious.

Executing the plan was a clandestine operation. We waited until Daddy was thoroughly distracted before sneaking into the kitchen. With Mike keeping a lookout, I carefully taped down the handle of the sprayer, ensuring it was aimed just right. The anticipation of Daddy's reaction added an extra layer of excitement to our mischief.

When Daddy finally entered the kitchen, the moment of truth arrived. Turning on the tap, he was met with an unexpected spray of water, drenching him from head to waist. The shock on his face quickly melted into laughter as he realized the nature of the prank.

"So, this is how it is, huh?" Daddy said, shaking his head but with a smile playing on his lips. "I should've known you two were up to no good. Well played, you little pranksters. But remember, revenge is a dish best served wet."

Mike and I collapsed into giggles, the thrill of our successful prank mixed with the relief that Daddy took it in stride.

Over the next two days, Mike's boundless energy transformed the mansion into a playground of Little-related fun. We built towering forts out of blankets and pillows, turning the living room into a castle under siege by plush dragon toys. We had a tea party with an array of stuffed animal guests, each with their own elaborate backstory. Mike insisted on a fashion show where we dressed up in the silliest outfits we could find, strutting down an imaginary runway while Daddy judged our "high fashion" with mock seriousness.

When the doorbell finally rang two days later, announcing Joe's return, I rushed to open the door. Mike, who had been in the midst of another imaginative play, paused and turned at the sound. Upon seeing Joe, his face lit up, and he exclaimed in a mix of humor and romance, "Look! The knight in shining armor returns! Did you slay the dragon of Workshire and rescue your boy from the depths of Boredom Castle?"

Joe, stepping inside with a chuckle, shot back with equal wit, "Indeed, my brave boy, the dragon is vanquished, and I have returned to ensure the kingdom of fun remains forever peaceful. But it seems the true hero here has been you, keeping the spirits high in my absence."

Unable to contain his excitement, Mike stood up and waddled towards Joe, his movements reminiscent of a puppy too excited to see its owner return. He jumped into Joe's arms, wiggling with joy, an action so pure and filled with love it was impossible not to smile.

After a moment, when Mike finally calmed down enough to be set back on the floor, Hank welcomed Joe inside. They all settled on the couch, Mike finding his place in Joe's lap, looking up at his Daddy with love in his eyes. I couldn't help but find the sight incredibly heartwarming.

Then, Joe presented Mike with a surpriseā€”a new Teddy bear. The joy on Mike's face was immediate and infectious. Joe explained, "I took the liberty of saving the torn parts of your Teddy and had them stitched into this one. I wanted you to have something that carried their memory, but also something whole and new to hug."

Mike's reaction was a mixture of shock, gratitude, and overwhelming happiness. Holding the new Teddy close, he looked at Joe with tears brimming in his eyes. "This... this means everything to me," he whispered, the depth of his emotions clear in his voice.

As Mike carefully examined the new Teddy, recognition dawned in his eyes. "This...this is the red jacket my mom sewed, and these buttons...she added these," he murmured, his fingers tracing the fabric with a reverence that stilled the room. "And this tiny tie, my dad put it on Teddy because he said every gentleman needs a good tie." The depth of emotion in his voice was palpable.

Then, Joe gently handed Mike a photograph, a piece of history reclaimed from the orphanage's old records. "I thought you should have this," Joe said, his voice carrying the weight of the moment.

The photograph of Mike's parents, a tangible connection to the family he had lost, was too much for Mike to bear silently. Tears of joy streamed down his face as he clutched both the photo and the Teddy. "Thank you, Daddy. Thank you for bringing them back to me," he managed to say between sobs, before wrapping Joe in a hug that spoke volumes of his gratitude and love.

My heart swelled at the sight. It was a moment of healing, of closure, and of new beginnings for Mike, a beautiful silver lining after years of clouds.

Joe's gratitude extended to Hank and me next. "Thank you both for having Mike and for all the care you've shown him," he said, his appreciation genuine and heartfelt.

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