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Mike, ever the one to lighten the mood, quipped from his Daddy’s arms, "Yeah, thanks for putting up with my dramatics. I know I'm a handful, but I'm a fun handful, right?"

Scooped up in Joe's loving embrace, Mike's departure from our mansion was a stark contrast to his arrival. This time, he left with a content smile, a look of peace that had been absent before.

Once they had gone, Hank and I reflected on the beauty of Mike and Joe's relationship. "It's incredible, isn't it?" I mused. "How much they've both grown and healed together. It's like they were meant to find each other."

Hank nodded, adding, "True love has a way of turning the darkest stories into the brightest futures. Mike and Joe, they're proof of that."

Feeling a surge of gratitude for my own circumstances, I turned to Hank. "I'm so lucky to have found you, Daddy," I said, my heart full. "You've been my rock, my comfort, and my joy."

Hank, with his characteristic wit and warmth, replied, "And I'm the lucky one, princess. Who else gets to say they've found someone who can make every day feel like an adventure? I love you, more than words can say."

In the grand tapestry of life, finding a person who understands you, who stands by you through thick and thin, is a gift beyond measure.

Chapter 8: Lina

IN MY OFFICE, I WAS IN DEEP CONVERSATION with Matt, a junior ad copywriter who had recently joined our team. I was explaining the vision for the new ad campaign for a premium chocolate brand. "We need to evoke the sensory experience of the chocolate," I detailed, my eyes scanning the mood board we had created. "Imagine the sound of the wrapper unfurling, the sight of the glossy chocolate, the aroma that beckons you to take a bite, and finally, the taste—the rich, velvety chocolate melting on your tongue. It's not just chocolate; it's an experience, a moment of indulgence."

As Matt nodded, clearly impressed and a bit overwhelmed, and made his way out, Hank strolled in with a casual ease. "So, I've received an invitation to your place for dinner," he announced, a twinkle in his eye.

I chuckled, shaking my head. "Of course, I'm always the last one to know about these things," I remarked, the ongoing joke in our family that plans often seemed to be made around me rather than with me.

My phone rang at that moment, and sure enough, it was my mother, Joan. After I mentioned knowing about the dinner in my typical last-to-know fashion, she came back with a retort. "Well, we have to keep some elements of surprise in life, don't we? Besides, it's high time you took a break from all that ad talk and joined us in the real world for an evening."

Shortly after the call, Mike and Joe burst into my office, their presence instantly filling the room with energy. Mike, with his flair for the dramatic, declared, "I've been graced with aroyalinvitation to the esteemed dinner at the house of Lina,with a plus one!" He then clasped his hands together, pleadingly looking at me, "Please say I can come. Daddy's already agreed to be my noble escort for the evening."

"Of course, you're invited, silly. My mother adores you, especially after how nice you were to her last time you came over."

Mike, not missing a beat, replied with his characteristic sass, "Well, I suspect my comment about her looking more like your sister than your mother played a significant role in winning her over." His ability to charm with just the right blend of humor and flattery had always been one of his many talents.

“Wait,” Joe said. “You haven’t really asked me to be your plus one yet, Mike!”

“Wasn’t it obvious I was gonna ask you, Daddy? And isn’t it obvious that you’re gonna say yes? So I skipped a few steps.”

Joe mock grumbled in a way that couldn't quite hide his amusement. "Alright, I'll come, but only if you promise not to make me participate in yourimpromptu karaoke sessionslike last time. My rendition ofDancing Queenshould never be repeated," Joe stipulated, his tone a mix of jest and solemn vow.

Mike's response was immediate and filled with feigned outrage. "Me? You were the one who grabbed the mic first! You can't deny your secret love for ABBA, Daddy."

Joe shot back, "Secret love? Please, I was merely trying to save the party from your attempt to rapIce Ice Baby."

Their banter continued, each trying to outdo the other with exaggerated tales of past dinner mishaps. "Remember when you tried to convince everyone that you were a world-renowned sommelier? And then you couldn't tell the differencebetween red and white wine because you werecolorblindthat evening?" Joe teased.

"Oh, as if yourexpertdance moves didn't have everyone questioning if you were having a moment of existential crisis on the dance floor," Mike retorted, his laughter echoing in the office.

The discussion soon veered into a debate about Mike's overall behavior. Joe, adopting a more serious tone, reminded Mike of the expectation for him to be on his best behavior at the dinner. "You know, behaving well in general wouldn't be such a bad habit to pick up, Mike. It might save us from anotherincidentlike the Great Spaghetti Catastrophe of ‘22."

Mike, undeterred, responded, "I'm always on my best behavior, Daddy. It's just that my best involves a bit more creativity than most."

Their playful dispute continued as they exited the office, their voices fading but still filled with the warmth of their bond.

Watching them go, Daddy and I couldn't help but laugh. Mimicking my earlier pout, Hank quipped, "So, is this how you plan to introduce me to your family?Hey everyone, meet Hank, my...uh, partner in culinary crimes and spaghetti catastrophes?"

I shot him a playful glare. "Oh, please. My mom's going to be more interested in knowing if you're the reason behind my newfoundculinary expertise. I can already hear her,So, Hank, tell me, how do you cope with Lina's adventurous baking experiments?"

Hank grinned, "Well, I'll just tell her the truth. That every burned cookie and every over-salted soup has been a journey of love and learning. Besides, who wouldn't want to bein a Daddy/Little relationship that includesextreme baking? It's the latest trend."

As Hank broached the subject of telling my family about us, my heart leaped into my throat. A whirlwind of thoughts swept through my mind. Could we really open up about our Daddy/Little dynamic to my family? They were very laid-back, but this was uncharted territory. A part of me buzzed with the excitement of sharing this significant aspect of my life, yet another part was gripped by nerves. What if this was the one thing that surprised them? Yet, recalling their unfailingly supportive nature, I found myself agreeing.

"They're too laid back to take it badly," I said, trying to convince myself as much as Hank. "Honestly, I could probably tell them I robbed a bank, and they'd just ask if I wore a nice outfit while doing it." Despite my attempt at humor, the flutter of nervous anticipation remained. The thought of introducing Hank, the man I intended to spend my life with, in the full context of our relationship was daunting, yet it felt like the right next step.
