Page 22 of The Fallen Alpha

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“What’s your name? My feisty girl?” He reached over and plucked a grape and cheese wedge from my plate. A soft growl festered deep in my throat. I didn’t like to share my food even if it was my mate that was taking it.

“Why do you want to know?” I questioned him. Moving my hand from the table that he was trying to touch. He chuckled as I grabbed more watermelon and popped it into my mouth with my other hand. The juice ran down my chin and before I could stop him, his mouth was at the corner of mine. Suckling the juice from my skin.

The sparks that shot through me caused me to jump out of my seat. Knocking it to the ground. The sound had brought everyone’s attention to us. He never moved from his seat as his eyes suddenly turned the deep blue they had been flickering between. While his tongue ran across his lips. It took everything in me from moaning as I tightened my legs together. I ran out to the balcony, and he followed me. My heart raced as if I had been sparing. The night had just taken over the day and its stars and moon shone brightly in the sky.

I turned on him as he shut the doors and stalked to me, his nostrils flaring. No one had ever been able to make me submit to them, but the heat growing between my thighs was ruining my panties. “What do you want from me?”

“Just your name, feisty wolf.” The rumble in his chest made it hard to keep my focus. His hands landed on the railing beside me, gripping them so tightly that his knuckles turned white. He was barely near me, but it felt like his hands and his lips were caressing my body. The way he made me feel brought me back to my first time. But this time was a thousand times better.

“Nikita.” His breath teased along my skin and prickled the spot where my mate mark would sit. “Yours?”

I didn’t want to ask. The less I knew about him, the better, but I wasn’t strong enough. He went down the other side, making me so aroused it was torture. “Alpha Fin. But you can call me, Fin.”

So, he was an alpha! So many of those rumors were of him pretending to be an alpha, that he was actually rogue. And that the real alpha of Dolostone was locked up in their dungeons.

He still hadn’t even touched me, but his nearness had me so wet I’m sure everyone could smell me. It was like he was waiting for me to initiate the contact.I don’t know why you haven’t!

Why hasn’t he been searching for me? It’s been seven years, Enyo!I snapped at her in my head. I’m sure that was the reason I hadn’t touched him yet. Because I knew those sparks would race down and make me even wetter.

“What are you thinking?” Fin whispered in my ear and I shivered as my eyes fluttered close.

“That you are in my bubble and that if you don’t get out, we might have a problem.” I told him, trying to put some sternness in my tone. He stopped and backed away, his hands in the air, a grin on his lips as his eyebrow quirked up.

“Are you afraid?” His tone was teasing as he crossed his arms. I didn’t miss the dip of his eyes or the flare of his nostrils. He knew what he was doing to me.

“I’m never afraid.” I told him the grin and his tone now getting under my skin.

“I don’t think you could take me.” He laughed as he shrugged his shoulders. What did he think he was doing? I know he was watching me beat the shit out of that wolf today.

“I think I could.” I snapped at him, crossing my own arms. His eyes went to my breasts before coming back to my face. Fin’s eyes had stayed his wolf’s the entire time.

“Fine, tomorrow. I’ll talk to your Alpha. We will see who comes out on top.” With a full-blown smile, he winked and went back into the Dining Hall.

I took a deep breath and then uncrossed my arms. Fighting an alpha could cause a problem. But he was the one that wanted to fight me and a fight he would get.

Chapter Thirteen


After dinner I went to my room. I had to stay away from Alpha Fin if I was going to be able to make it through his visit and the fight. The way he made me feel when I was near him wasn’t something I was used to. I couldn’t think straight when he was near.

Nikita! My office now!Alpha Rory mind linked me, and I knew Alpha Fin had said something about tomorrow.

Rolling my eyes, I left my room and headed to the office. Before I could even knock, the door flew open and there stood Alpha Rory. He pulled me in and I knew the other alpha couldn’t have been in here, otherwise he wouldn’t have treated me this way. Alpha Rory pushed me into the office and slammed the door. I stumbled for a moment before getting my feet back under me to keep myself upright.

I knew not to ever challenge my Alpha, but the way he manhandled me made me want to beat his ass. Keeping my eyes down, I waited for him to tell me what I had done wrong.

“Is that alpha your mate?” He growled in my face. I lifted my gaze to look at Alpha Rory in the eyes. The color had changed to his wolf’s. What could I have done to make him this mad at me? Was being mated to this alpha an issue?

“Yes, Alpha.” I muttered, and he snarled before walking over to his desk and flinging it at the wall. Things went flying off the desk and wall. He took a few deep breaths before he turned back to me and stalked over his finger in my face.

“This is what you are going to do. He wants to train with you in the morning. After that he and his beta will go home in five days with you. You are not to let him mark you.”

“Why? If I need to reject him, I’ll do it here and stay…” I stumbled over my words. Enyo whimpered in my head. She didn’t want me to reject him but I didn’t understand why my Alpha wanted me to go with him if he didn’t want me to complete the mate bond.

“NO! You will go to his pack! He is the alpha that chose my cousin as his mate and she died because of him. He didn’t even want to wait for you! Once you get to his pack, you are to kill him, otherwise I’ll kill you.” Alpha Rory’s eyes held the most manic emotion in them I had ever seen from any wolf. He used his finger to jab it into my chest.

My mate had taken a chosen? What would he have done if she had lived? Would he have left her or stayed with her? So that means he wasn’t a virgin, either.You can’t say much! You weren’t faithful either!Enyo snorted as my stomach clenched.

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