Page 50 of The Fallen Alpha

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“No, he shouldn’t have, but he did, and you are the better alpha. So, please let’s go down to the party. I would love to meet the two alphas that you talk about.” I brought my lips to his and started with a soft brush of my lips to his. Fin deepened the kiss and picked me up. Carrying me back down the stairs that he had just come up.

Facing behind Fin, I could see who exactly half shifted to grab his arm. I’m sure that the claw marks on his arm would be there for a while before they were fully healed. The one who had protected me bowed his head and smiled before heading down another hallway with the other wolf. I would have to make sure that I learned his name so that I could thank him for his protection.

Fin stopped and let me on my feet in the foyer. Which had been decorated with streamers and flowers for the occasion. The omegas did an amazing job with everything. Turning my gaze around to face the way Fin was, I realized the two younger wolves were in front of me. The ones that had been in the front row of the ceremony. Both would have any unmated wolf dropping to their knees in front of them. Now that they weren’t sitting, I could tell that they weren’t that scary like I had thought. One held himself like any other alpha, but the other one clearly didn’t like to be the center of attention.

Which brought my gaze to their necks and noticed that they were mated. Whatever females they were mated with could only be their opposite. I could see that a few of the unmated she-wolves here were already upset. Some were still trying to get their attention, but they didn’t even give them the time of day.

“Nolen, Sawyer, this is my Luna, Nikita. Nikita, this is Alpha Nolen and Alpha Sawyer of the Rhyolite and Quartzite packs.” Fin pointed to each of the alphas. The dark-haired one named Nolen seemed to blush before a blonde female came up to his side. She had similar features to the alpha from Quartzite. Another dark-haired female came up, and she was most definitely pregnant.

“This is Alpha Nolen’s mate and Luna, Amora, and this is Alpha Sawyer’s Luna and mate Danika.” Fin continued his introductions as they both smiled. Amora had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. The amber of them made them dance and glow like fire. I had to do a double take when I glanced over to her.

I shook each of their hands and introduced myself. The other female, who had come to Alpha Sawyer’s side, didn’t look like Nolen, so I didn’t think that they were related. Most mates were found in the same pack that they were born into. While others had to find them in other packs.

“So are you and Alpha Sawyer related?” I asked Luna Amora, my curiosity getting the better of me. I could tell that she was younger than the males and the other Luna but I needed to know.

“Yes, he is my older brother.” She giggled as Sawyer shook his head.

“So, you are both alpha blood?” Female alphas were rare. No wonder the Moon Goddess gave her to Nolen. She was one of a kind.

“Yes, I mean that’s normally how that works, right?” Amora giggled again. The way that Alpha Nolen looked at her sent my heart to flutter. Did Fin look at me like that?

You know he does. When we are near him, he normally never lets his gaze stray very far.Enyo answered my internal question.

I glanced at him from the corner of my eye, and he was most definitely staring at me. But he was also making sure to keep everyone else in his sight, too.

“I know. But I had never heard of females being born to alphas.”

“Well, it happens.” Amora chuckled. A smile brightened her face as she looked up at her mate. “I think that the Obsidian pack alphas had a daughter didn’t they?”

“You four are welcome to stay and then leave tomorrow morning.” Fin’s deep voice sent a shiver down my spine. I still noticed that I reacted to him quicker. So I guess that means I was still in heat. This was going to be interesting.

“Thank you, Alpha Fin. We will take you up on that.” Alpha Nolen answered as he pulled his gaze from his mate and back to Fin.

“What pack are you from, Nikita?” Luna Amora asked me. I couldn’t help noticing the look that she got from Luna Danika.

“I’m from the Shonkinite pack. I was one of the top warriors there.” I answered her with pride. My previous alpha was a prick, but I could still be proud of myself. Hell I rose through those warrior ranks with my own gumption.

“Oh! So that is why the other alpha is here? I bet he didn’t like that he lost you.” Danika commented as she allowed her gaze to look me over. I knew what she was thinking. How could a small she-wolf like me could be a top warrior?

“He was able to make an alliance with my mating to Fin. So I don’t think that he was too heartbroken with it.” I shrugged and glanced up at Fin. I didn’t know how much he had told them and I didn’t want to tell them if he hadn’t.

“Wow, and how much younger are you than Fin?” Amora asked me. I could tell she was genuinely curious.

“I’m ten years younger than him.”

Luna Amora jumped at me and grabbed my hands. I didn’t understand why she was so excited about this information. Pulling slightly away, I stepped back away from the group.

“Sorry, I just have so much to ask you! I’m younger than my mate and I could start to feel the bond before I was eighteen. Was it the same for you?” The way her eyes brightened at the thought of me being able to answer her.

“We didn’t meet until about a few months ago. But I think I smelled her before I met Markus.” Fin answered her, and she slinked back to her mate. I hated the sadness on her face that the information from Fin put there.

“But if you noticed the way he worded that he ‘thought’ he smelled me.” I came back with my statement as I elbowed him in his side.

Fin chuckled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close to his side. As much as I didn’t need a male to protect me, I liked how Fin made me feel safer. I would never allow him to put my safety over his though because we were a team.

“You know Fin. I never expected you to be this way. But I didn’t know you before being rogue.” Alpha Nolen’s voice brought me out of my thoughts as I turned back to the group before me.

“Yeah, well, young pup, I didn’t tell you or teach you everything that I know.” Fin chuckled again as he clapped Nolen on the shoulder.
