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Her body language changed as she reacted to mine. I couldn’t control the tensing of my shoulders and back, and there was a pang of guilt in my chest at the way her face dropped. Ray didn’t back away from me. If anything, she seemed to edge closer and leaned forward slightly so she crowded into my space. A frown began to cloud her otherwise curious expression as she studied me, and I rubbed my arms before crossing them over my chest. She had a knack for making me feel small and weak—taking control in the bedroom I could handle, but the way she intimidated me now with her sheer presence, I hated it. I spent years building myself up to be as strong as my brothers, stronger even, and although none of it meant anything to them before or after my discharge, I wasn’t afraid of anybody.

Until now.

Until Ray.

Worse was Iwasn’tscared of her, not really. But I was of what she represented, of a world that most humans live in blissful ignorance of, and I wished I could go back to being oblivious.


The reminder was strong in my mind, and I couldn’t shake it. I didn’twantto shake it. Ineededthe constant replay of the truth in my head and the surge of fear when she stepped too close.

The adrenaline rush that spiked when her skin brushed mine I put down to being in a defensive mode, something I switched to on instinct now after years of training.

Although the warmth between my thighs screamed otherwise.

Ray was a demon from Hell.

And I couldn’t let her be any more than that.


Hot and cold is what I was getting from Ilsa. A fat lot of fucking nothing.

Hell, I didn’t expect her to be fawning over me following our romp, but I thought at least it might have loosened her up a bit, endeared me to her, and let her know that she could trust me. Maybe pushed her to look past the wholedemonthing. There were moments where her true self peeked through, a dry sense of humor and wit that she let slip before she brought herself back into line again.

Oops, can’t reveal too much to the demon!

As if I hadn’t already been in her bed.

It was me. She was still afraid of me, and I must admit, it pissed me off somewhat.

If I wanted to kill her, I’d had many chances to do so before now. So what was she so fucking upset about? Because I was ademon?Get over it. I was goddamn adorable.

It clawed at me something fierce that Ilsa was putting up such walls between us. I’m surprised my eye wasn’t twitching from irritation every time I saw her spine straighten. I don’t know how she expected us to work together to sort this out if she wouldn’t talk to me properly and at least try to relax around me.

She’d relaxed last night, that was for goddamn sure. The way her body had gone limp after I teased the orgasm from her, drawing it out until she was a panting mess, was ecstasy in itself. I could’ve done anything with her in those vulnerable moments where she was a limp ragdoll of pleasure.

All I wanted to do was take her there again.

Ilsa didn’t have to love me, but I wouldn’t settle for this icy shit either.

Perhaps she hadn’t figured out how persistent I could be yet.

We walked down an almost deserted street, the sunlight reflecting off every other shop window making me wish I’d snatched a pair of sunglasses from somewhere. On this end of the city, at this time of day, there wasn’t much reason for people to be out and about. Those who had jobs to attend would already be there, and those who didn’t would be sleeping off their ministrations from the previous night.

This entire end of the city smelled like sex, alcohol, danger, and fear, and I loved it.

“So this club—”

“Urban,” Ilsa added.

“Urban, right.” Like it mattered at all what it was called. “What uh… exactly is our plan again?”

“I thought you wanted to wing it?”

There was that curve of her lips again before she’d blink and shake her head slightly, then returned to her deadpan expression. I didn’t like that expression on her—it looked too forced. Despite years of practice, she still hadn’t mastered it naturally, remaining neutral. She was too expressive, a smile belonged on her face, or at least the curve of her lips that hinted at the cheeky nature I knew lay beneath the tough exterior. She’d let it slip around me already with her smart-ass quips and comments. I knew her better than she thought I did.
