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Victoria surveyed her perfumes, eventually deciding to go with lavender. The next question was whether to go simple orelaborate with the jewelry. She glanced at the clock and saw that she only had ten minutes before she needed to leave.

Best to keep it simple. The dress was elaborate enough. No need to overwhelm the look.

She picked a simple, thick gold chain bracelet, twisted around to give it a fancier look, and some gold and diamond studs.

Necklace? No, she was wearing enough, and the top of the dress was too close to her throat for most of her necklaces to go well with it.

Victoria was glad of the jacket to go with the dress, in case it got chilly later. The handbag she’d bought with the dress was small, but she didn’t need much inside it. Now that Victoria was ready to go, her nerves resurfaced in full force.

What if it went badly? What if Alexa didn’t like her? She would be crushed. She knew it was stupid to get her hopes up so high before they’d even met, but she couldn’t help it.

Victoria arrived early. She’d left more than enough time to get to the restaurant. She asked for their booking and sat down to wait. She wasn’t left to stew in her own anxiety for long; Alexa was early too, arriving just five minutes later.

Victoria did her best not to gape like an idiot, but she didn’t think she did a very good job at it. Alexa was wearing a green satin pant suit and she looked incredible. The jacket had a low neckline, showing off Alexa’s cleavage, and was cut close to her waist before flaring out at the bottom.

Victoria realized that she was staring at Alexa’s cleavage and quickly brought her eyes up to where they belonged. Alexa was smirking at her. She hadn’t missed Victoria’s look and she didn’t back away from it. Victoria enjoyed her confidence.

“Victoria, it’s very nice to meet you.”

“You as well.” Victoria stood up and shook Alexa’s hand. “Please, sit down.”

She felt awkward for a moment, but Alexa didn’t let the silence go on for long. “Like what you see, huh?” She glanced meaningfully down to her cleavage.

“Yeah.” Victoria wished she had a bit more to show in the boobs department. She wondered if it was possible for Alexa to feel as attracted to her as Victoria was to Alexa.

Alexa quickly allayed those worries. “You look beautiful, Victoria. The gold suits your skin and hair so much. I bet all the waiters are green with envy back in the kitchen.”

“College students—I’m too old for them.”

“Not for me,” Alexa murmured. “I have a total thing for older women.” Alexa smiled. She was striking and Victoria couldn’t take her eyes off her.

That was good to hear. Victoria found her eyes wandering again, but they were pulled back to Alexa’s face by her next question.

“So, do you know what you want to get?”

“Always. The caviar as a starter, wagyu beef with truffles as a main and crème brulé for dessert. I generally take champagne to drink.”

“That does sound delicious. I may steal some of your ideas. Not a fan of truffles, but the caviar and crème brulé sound amazing. I’ll take a look at the menu for ideas. I don’t like to have the same food too often; variety is what makes life interesting.”

“I have enough variety in my work—there’s always some challenge needing attention. I like my food to be consistent.”

Alexa didn’t question further on the work angle, keeping their agreement of keeping work talk to a minimum. “I get that. I also like consistency, at least in some things. I have routines that I like to follow. Cooking is one of them, but I usually try to cook new dishes.”

The menu arrived and Alexa perused it, her brow furrowed adorably in concentration.

“The smoked salmon,” she decided eventually.

“I think that one is really good. Jillian ordered it one of the few times I convinced her to come here, and she enjoyed it a lot.”

“Glad to know I have good taste,” Alexa joked. “Is Jillian your friend?”

“Yeah, that’s right. Friend and assistant. She was the one who convinced me to join the dating app. Who got you onto it?”

“My sister. She found her husband through the app. I was happy for her, but I was so jealous at her wedding. I was her maid of honor, and all I could think was that this may never happen for me. Of course, I didn’t dump any of that on her—it was her day and I made sure it was a good one—but it was hard for me.”

“I get that. I avoid weddings whenever I can. They make me sad, and I hate crying in front of people.” Victoria wondered if she was revealing too much. She didn’t want to scare Alexa off, but Alexa just nodded.

“I saw on the app that you don’t have any pets; do you not like animals?”
