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What would Victoria do if she was?

What would she do if she wasn’t?

Luke offered Victoria a ride home, but she told him she was fine to drive. She wasn’t in the mood to be lectured right now. She certainly had a lecture coming—and a well-deserved one, at that—but she would deal with it in the morning.

Victoria hesitated on her doorstep. Alexa’s car wasn’t here, but that didn’t mean much. Alexa likely got a lift from her lawyer or a taxi. She could be inside right now. Victoria had no idea what she was walking into.

If Alexa was there, what would she do? Was there any way to salvage this? She couldn’t see one, no matter how hard she tried.

Victoria shoved her key into the lock and opened the door. “Alexa?”

No response.

“Alexa, are you here?”

She walked through each room in the house, checking everywhere before she had satisfied herself that Alexa wasn’t here.

She was gone.

Victoria happened to be in the kitchen, so it was the kitchen floor she sank down onto when her legs gave out.

Alexa was gone. Out of her home, out of her life.

How was it possible that Victoria had woken up this morning feeling complete? She hadn’t been entirely happy—after all, things had been weird between her and Alexa for weeks now, and she’d been stressed about the case—but she had still felt like herself.

Now, Victoria felt like an empty shell of a woman. It had never hurt like this with Natasha. Why not? Surely, this shouldn’t be as bad. She and Alexa had only known each other a few months, and they certainly weren’t married.

Then why did it feel like her heart had been ripped out of her chest.

Victoria stumbled to her room, wanting nothing more than to go to sleep and block out the world for a while.

The moment she entered the room, she was confronted by a pair of Alexa’s shoes, followed by one of her dresses hanging over the dresser.

Fuck. She couldn’t do this.

Victoria stumbled through to the lounge, grabbing a spare blanket from the closet as she did so. She would sleep on the couch until she could summon the required mental resilience to go back to her bedroom.

Not their bedroom anymore. Hers, only hers.

The thought left her feeling hollow. She had never thought she needed a partner to complete her. It was only now that Alexa was gone that Victoria realized that before they met, she had been one half of a whole, a half that nestled perfectly into Alexa.

Alexa was the love of her life; Victoria knew that much. But the stars were aligned against them. She must have done something truly horrible in a past life to warrant this level of heartbreak.

Victoria pulled the blanket over her head and shut out the world.

She was woken by the shrill ringing of her phone. She scrambled off the couch, getting her legs tangled in the blanket and tripping, sending the phone crashing to the ground with her. From the floor, she frantically peered at the screen.

Not Alexa.

The slump of disappointment almost had her tossing the phone aside, but it was Luke, and she should answer.

“Hi, Luke.” Maybe he had called to deliver the lecture she most certainly had coming her way.

“Victoria, where are you?” Luke hissed urgently.

“Um… at home?”

“What are you doing there! We’re due in court in half an hour and—”
