Page 116 of Branded

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“Congratulations!” Maddy said.

“Finally tying her down, aye?” Storm said.

“I’m not wasting any time.” He kissed me, making a show of it. I followed his lead, needing his touch and lips. It was as if he knew I needed him in this way.

“I’d say get a room, but a lot more old ladies want to meet you.” Maddy took my hand and pulled me away from Cade.

To say I was overwhelmed was the understatement of the century. Cade had snuck off with Storm, leaving me with a lot of old ladies, none of which were actually old. And all of them were beautiful. I’d never remember all their names or who was married to who, and their kids’ names. A few stood out to me,like Sugar, Jaynee, and Tina. And Ella, of course. She’s the one I’d never forget.

We were seated at a table in the bar. Neon signs decorated the walls and music played in the background. There was a small stage and a few pool tables.

“Does a band play here?” I asked the group and pointed at the corner stage.

Depending on the kind of music, I might consider them for our wedding reception. Cade and I hadn’t talked about when we’d get married, but I wanted an outdoor ceremony, so it’d have to be late spring, early summer, for the best weather. But by that time, I’d be as big as a house. I was due in the middle of July. I was confident Cade wouldn’t want to wait until the fall. Frankly, I didn’t either. We clearly needed to discuss our options.

“That’s for karaoke,” Maddy replied. “Do you sing?”

“Not publicly. Just in the shower.”

“Then you’ll do great singing karaoke,” Jaynee said. “It’s just for fun. The only one who could be a professional is Angel.”

Maddy shrugged and her cheeks turned pink as if embarrassed. She must’ve been really good. Maybe she could sing during the ceremony.

“I bet you have questions about the MC.” Sugar smiled warmly, changing the subject.

“No, I don’t have any.”

“She does.” Maddy winked and passed me a shot of whiskey.

“No, thanks. Water is fine.” I placed my hand on my stomach, and eyeballs popped out of sockets all around me.

“Wait. Are you…” Jaynee point at my belly.

I removed my hand quickly, then thought, why should I? Cade had already announced we were engaged. “Yes.”

“That’s wonderful. Congratulations,” Sugar said beside me.

“I’m so happy for you. How far along?” Maddy asked.

“Ten weeks. Sort of happened right away.” God, I hoped nobody suspected it might be Jake’s. They had to have known about him. Ella had seen me with Jake at the anniversary party, and Storm had played a part in my rescue.

I looked at the entrance, wishing Cade would return. He’d been gone longer than I’d thought he would be. As if he’d heard my distress call, he appeared.

“I’m going to steal my woman.” He pulled my chair out and took my hand.

“Just bring her back,” Sugar said, which was sweet.

“Will do,” Cade replied over his shoulder, then cut his gaze at me. “How’re you doing?”

“Fine, but I’m glad to be with you. Where are we going?”

“To church… A meeting.”


He stopped me outside of a door. “To discuss Jake.”

“Oh, God. Has he come out of hiding?” My muscles locked up and my stomach churned. It terrified me to think he might come after me.
