Page 78 of Almost Priest

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His lips formed a firm line of displeasure. “I don’t know.”


Perspiration cooled on Colin’s skin under his heavy flannel as he swung the ax down hard and split the log on the chopping block with practiced precision. March had certainly come in like a lion. The blustery winds smacked at his face and his breath clouded before him. His boots crunched over the snow as he tossed the split wood to the pile and grabbed another log from the woodpile.

Braydon’s little car pulled into the plowed driveway at the edge of the property. Damn selfish of him to leave their mother waiting for him last night only to change his mind last minute and decide to come this morning. He tossed another log onto the pile and the hair on the back of his neck prickled.

His mother’s steps onto the front porch came the moment Braydon parked the car. Everyone else in the world might stop for his brother’s arrival, but Colin continued to split wood. He usually spent his entire Saturday chopping firewood and shoveling snow until his arms felt as though they would fall off his body and his mind was too exhausted to think, allowing no idle time for self-pity.

The car door opened and Colin grunted as he swung down the axe. The weight of the heavy blade slicing through the wood and splintering it into two was oddly comforting.

“Finally!” his mother crowed. “And just in time for lunch.”

“I’ve brought someone with me, Mum,” Braydon said and for some reason his words caused Colin’s aim to slip and he nearly sliced the heavy axe right into his leg.

Irritated at the distraction, he kicked the fallen log aside and stacked another log upon the block. This time slamming down the axe with twice as much force and missing nothing.

His mother gasped. “Holy Christ.” The oath was enough to cause Colin to wait a split second before swinging down again. “Samantha?”

His breathing ceased and the heavy axe fell from his hand. He pivoted so quickly he almost tripped over the log he’d kicked aside. There she was, bundled in a heavy down jacket, long dark hair blowing in the heavy winter wind, looking as stunning as ever. He couldn’t move. His feet were frozen to the ground.

Braydon noticed him first, but next Sammy’s gaze found him. His shoulders raised and fell as his breath sawed in and out of his chest. He resented the cloud of moisture his breath created as it blurred his view.

Braydon looked back to their mother and said, “Let’s catch up inside. It’s freezing out here and Sam really needs to use the restroom.”

When Colin saw Braydon take Samantha’s elbow and help her up the stairs a possessive animal inside of him roared in objection. Ignoring the mess he’d left at the chopping block he marched up to the porch and inside the house after them. Why was she suddenly here? Did she know he had not made his Holy Orders? He had so many questions, but when he stepped inside she was gone.

He looked at Braydon and his brother said, “Bathroom.”

His gaze watched the door to the powder room as he accusingly asked, “What’s she doing here, Bray?”

“Don’t sound so put out. She hasn’t had an easy time of things lately. She needed to be here and she’s really emotional so try, for once, not to be a prick.”

He frowned at Braydon, wanting more of an explanation as to why Sammy had been having a difficult time. Were her parents okay? Did something happen with her job? Was someone sick or God forbid, her? The door to the small bathroom opened and she stepped out and paused when she saw them all standing there waiting for her.

A moment of unspoken yearning passed between them and then she blanked her expression, but not before Colin caught the look of pure regret and desolation in her eyes.

His mother bustled back to the hall and sternly said, “Well, what’s everyone just standing around for? For the love of Mike, boys, let the poor child use the loo in peace. Come on, I put on a fresh pot of coffee. Bitter outside.” She turned and hustled back into the kitchen. As they all followed she barked, “Braydon, take Sammy’s coat.”

Colin had yet to say a word. He simply watched the two of them, wondering what this was all about. Had they somehow gotten back together? Had Samantha’s feelings changed?

A look passed between Sammy and his brother and he scowled. They seemed to be sharing some sort of silent exchange meant to be kept a secret from the rest of them. Sammy gave an uncertain nod then her fingers went to the zipper of her coat. Colin watched her eyes, mentally begging her to look at him, see him. He waited, never taking his gaze off her face, but she kept her eyes averted from his stare.

Their mother grabbed a handful of mugs from the cabinet and set them on the table. “What a pleasant surprise it is having you back in our home, Sammy! I must tell you Braydon has not—”

Colin flinched and quickly turned at the sound of several mugs crashing to the floor and shattering into pieces. His mother’s face paled and her fingers fluttered to her mouth. Quieter than he ever heard her speak she said, “Mother of God, is that a McCullough in there?”

Colin quickly turned back to his brother and Sam to see what the hell she was talking about and almost stumbled on his arse. Samantha’s stomach was swollen to a size that seemed impossible for her small frame to support. There was no doubt in his mind what he was seeing. She looked at him and the apology he saw in her eyes broke his heart. That was his child. She was carrying his child!

He nearly took her in his arms and swore, but paused as it occurred to him that she was at the end of her pregnancy and had kept this from him for nine bloody months. He gave her a furious look, as her betrayal became a living thing snaking through his veins. She immediately looked away.

“Braydon, tell me you just found out about this and that is why none of us have known,” his mother admonished.

Braydon’s look of shock at her misunderstanding matched his own.

Samantha cleared her throat. “Um, it’s been a really long ride and I’d like to have a moment to speak with Braydon in his room if you don’t mind. I promise we won’t be long. I know you have a lot of questions and I’m so sorry to spring this on all of you like this, but if you will excuse us for a moment…”

Her confidence and words faltered when she again glanced at Colin’s stormy expression.
