Page 65 of Dead and Buried

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“What is going on in here?” I ask, leaning over to set my messenger bag on one of the stools.

Zane glances over at me and smiles. “We’re talking about how I’ve decided to be okay with Viv dating all of us.”

The bag tumbles to the floor as I turn my gaze back to Zane. “What?” I demand, mirroring Nox’s tone almost perfectly.

Zane shrugs his shoulders and grins at me like the loon he is. “We all like her and she likes us. I don’t see why we can’t all be happy.”

Nox takes a step toward him with an almost hopeful look in his eyes. “Did she say that she wanted that?”

Zane turns to him, his smile falling a little. “Not exactly. She’s under the impression that neither of you like her that way.”

I grit my teeth at that, knowing I have no right to be offended since she’s my student and it’s better if I don’t cross any more lines than I already have. The fact remains that I can’t actually stop myself from crossing those lines when she’s around.

Nox’s hope-filled expression falls instantly. “So she never said whether or not she actually likes me like that?” he demands, glaring at Zane.

Zane tilts his head to the side watching Nox carefully. “Well, no, she didn’t say it, but I know she does.”

Nox just shakes his head and shoulders his way past us. He turns in the doorway to glare over at Zane. “Clean up the glass and put the rest of those dishes away.”

Then he leaves the room without another word. A few moments later, I hear his bedroom door slam shut. His is the only one on the first floor, so it didn’t take him long to get there. I also know he’s got cameras all over the house, so he’s probably in there watching us like a creep.

Zane looks over at me and shrugs like him trying to pimp his girlfriend out to his friends is a normal occurrence. I’m not really sure what to say as I watch him pick up the broom and start sweeping up the shards of glass. It isn’t until he’s dumping the dustpan into the trashcan that I find my voice. “She may not be in one of my classes currently, but she’s majoring in criminology, so she’ll be in my class in the future.”

Every time I give that excuse, it seems to get more and more flimsy. Zane rolls his eyes at me before he starts another pass through with the broom. “If that mattered so much to you, then you wouldn’t have crossed the line with her so many times already. You’re obsessed with her already, just admit it.” He gives me a sharp smile over his shoulder.

I huff out a breath and avoid looking at him. He’s not exactly wrong, and nothing I say will discourage him. When Zane gets something in his mind, he just rolls with it no matter what anyone else saysor believes. I just lean back against the door frame as I listen to him go over how this relationship he’s envisioning will work. I let him get down to the sexual aspects before I realize I just can’t deal with this right now. “She’s my student. It’s not happening,” I say, turning on my heel and heading upstairs to my room, where I’ll get some peace and quiet.

“You go ahead and keep on telling yourself that!” he shouts after me like I’m the one being delusional.

I get myself closed in my room and lean against the door like that can keep his ideas out of my head. Now that the idea is there, it’s kind of hard to ignore. Would something like that be able to work? Would I want something like that?

I’m already unsure about Viv as a person due to the danger of associating with her. She’s too high profile and having her around us will draw attention to our business. We can’t deal with that. But I can’t deny that something about her is just so captivating that it makes the idea of being with her exciting.

I’ve never been with someone new to BDSM who just seamlessly slips right into a submissive role like she does. Knowing how deadly and dangerous she is just makes having that kind of control over her during play that much more enticing.

Maybe having the others there to lessen the blow of my intensity will work in my favor. I shake my head, realizing that I’m falling right into Zane’s ploy. I can’t believe I let him get to me like that. The girl is as innocent as a murderous psychopath gets, as far as I can tell. She’s played into my games the few times I’ve pushed her, but none of the times were as kinky as I would have liked. I’d love to tie her to my bed and really show her what BDSM is like in the sexual aspects.

The shiver that travels up my spine makes me realize that maybe I need a cold shower. That’s exactly what I do, not wanting to take care of things on my own. I don’t want to give Zane that kind of power over my thoughts. So I stand in the freezing spray of water with my teeth gritted as I try to forget about the girl who could ruin everything. Because she also just might be our salvation.


It’s been four days since Zane brought up his impossible idea. His ramblings have done nothing but make me feel nervous every time I see Cain or Nox. I’m literally rushing around like a crazy person trying to get ready for my not date with Nox. He’s buying me sushi because he lost the bet, not because he likes me or anything like that. I let Zane’s nonsense get into my head.

I’ve been in the shower for the last thirty minutes, making sure to shave every inch of my body. It’s cold outside, so it’s not like I plan to show any skin at all, so there’s no real reason for it. It’s not like I’m hoping for Nox to see me naked tonight or anything. Turning the water off, I dry myself off and slip into my clothes. I picked out a pair of light-wash skinny jeans and a white button-up puffy-sleeved blouse. The shirt is one of the few things I took with me that my father bought me. It’s cute and comfortable, plus it’s pretty casual with a pair of jeans. I groan when I realized I forgot socks, so I end up having to go back to the room barefoot to get a pair.

For some reason, the walk down the hallway seems longer than usual and the hair on the back of my neck stands up. Something feels off, but there’s nothing I can see that would give me this feeling. I’mglancing over my shoulder while I unlock my bedroom door. Nothing is out of place in the hallway. I close the door behind me, making sure the lock engages before I set down my shower caddy on top of my dresser and open the top drawer to pull out a pair of socks.

The creaking of the floorboards behind me alerts me too late as an arm clamps around my torso, holding my arms down at my side. I manage to take a deep breath before a rag is pressed to my mouth and nose.

Shit, this isn’t good.

I let my body go limp until the person holding me relaxes their grip a bit and then I slam my head backwards. The sound of bone breaking makes me want to smile, but I need to stay focused. The person holding me curses and my blood runs cold.

He uses his hold on my waist to throw me against my dresser, and I take a deep breath once the rag is pulled away from my face. My head hits the wall and I go dizzy for a moment. The next thing I know, I’m lying on the floor, looking up as Luca Marino straddles my waist with my arms pinned down at my sides. I try to move, but all that gets me is a backhand to the face.

My head spins again and I’m sure I’ve got a concussion at this point. Tugging at my shirt forces me to focus back on my situation. Luca rips my shirt open and the buttons pop off, bouncing around the room. “If you touch me, my father will kill you,” I snarl at him, trying to tug my hands free.

Luca laughs, a dark sound that makes my skin itch. “Your father gave me permission to get you back in line by any means necessary. Reminding you who you belong to seems like a good start.” His grin is all teeth.
