Page 21 of Angel's Kiss

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We all move over to her.

“Uh, all of you are her family?” She looks at our group in shock and confusion, her gaze swinging from Ian to Duncan.

I step forward and command her attention.

“Yes, please, is Ana okay? How is the baby? Can I go back there? I need to be with them,” I say in one breath.

“Sir, you are?” She looks at me but not in the eye.

“I'm the baby's father, Joshua Donovan,” I say without hesitating.

Everyone turns to look at me, I don't care. Legally that baby's mine, and as soon as I can, I'm getting my ring on her mother. The doctor looks taken aback. Does she doubt me?

“Sir, I don't see a father's name listed in any of Ms. Preston's records. What I do know is something caused Ms. Preston's blood pressure to rise. I see from her physician's notes she shows signs of abuse and I've seen some of the scars. She also suffers from panic attacks and refuses the medications for fear of what they'll do to the baby. Is that your doing, Mr. Donovan?”

“No, ma'am. That was her ex-husband. We need…I need to be with her to protect her, please.” I try for a smile, hoping to distract her.

“Ms. Preston is stabilized, her blood pressure is still high. I won't let her leave, and I will not endanger her or her baby. The records say that Ms. Maya Aaron and Mr. Duncan Preston are her emergency contacts. Not a Joshua Donovan.”

Guess the smile didn't work. I try a different tactic, and calmly step up to her. She steps back.

“Look, Doctor… What’s your name?” Okay, time for the business man.

“Dr. Parker. I'm taking over Ms. Preston's care now. I am concerned if we can't get her blood pressure under control we're going to have to deliver her child early. That isn't something I want to do yet. Do you understand?” she says in a determined voice.

Ah, this is the specialist. Timothy could only find a little information on her. Her records are buried deep. It's like she just showed up with all these credentials. However, she’s very smart and will be the best doctor for Ana and Isabella.

“If I can go back there, Dr. Parker,” I try again for formal.

“No, sir. Until I know what caused today's episode I'm in control of her visitors,” she states, not backing down.

“Dr. Parker, she is a high-value target and needs her bodyguards.” Okay, no more Mr. Nice Guy. I step closer and again she steps back. “Dr. Parker, I must be with Anabel, now.”

“Sir, I'll call security if you don't calm down. You do not scare me.” I don't realize my voice has been steadily rising until I feel Maya's hand on my arm. Derek moves behind me and places his hand on my shoulder. I'm trying to take comfort from this group but my girls are out of my sight, and I'm worried. I blame myself for today. I could've handled this so much better. It's then that the doctor's words hit me. Wait! You do not scare me. I've heard that statement before from the same voice.

“What did you say?” I ask her confused. It feels like déjà vu.

“I said I'll call security,” she says again, but with less conviction.

“I'm sorry, doctor, please. I'll calm down if you let me go see her and my baby. I need to make sure they're okay with my own eyes.” Maybe I was wrong. Could it be? I look at her again and her eyes drop, she's hiding something.

“Mr. Donovan, I'll tell you again, I'm only going to let Ms. Aaron and Mr. Preston back until Ms. Preston wakes up and says differently.”

“Doctor, please, I promised her. I need to be there with her. I'll calm down if you let me go back there.”

“Joshua. Bossman, calm down. I'll go back and let you know,” Duncan says quietly from my side.

I watch the doctor look at him, and again her eyes track to Ian.

“Please, man, I feel like I'm going to bloody lose it. I need to be with my angel. If something happens to her or the baby, I'll never forgive myself.” I'm not above begging now, I need them both, and I can't lose them.

“It’s okay, mate, I understand. Remember not too long ago…” He tips his head toward Maya.

“Bloody hell! Fine, but please let me know. I need to be with her,” I grumble and start pacing again.

Maya and Duncan walk off with the physician, and I feel helpless. I remember what Derek said. I can't lose her. I fall heavily into a chair. James walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder as he looks down at me.

“Now we pray, son.”
