Page 65 of Owned

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“Are you the same Cylex that Kern knew in his youth?” Movu asked curiously.

Cylex nodded. “Our past friendship made bonding easier.”

“I see.” Movu turned to Raina next and a toothy smile softened his expression. “You are clearly his conduit. Are you Altorian, and what is your name?”

“My name is Raina, and I was born on Altor but I was raised on a planet called Earth.”

“I know of this place.” He shivered dramatically. “It is still quite barbaric. But then it will take someone a little savage to keep up with Kern.”

“Why don’t you move this to one of the private dining rooms,” Zevon suggested. “Everyone is a little too interested in our conversation.”

Raina looked around and saw what Zevon meant. All of the other triads stood motionless staring at them in rapt fascination.

“I have a better idea.” Movu waved his hand and teleported the entire party to the observation deck at the top of the Citadel.

Zevon gasped, wobbling drunkenly before regaining his footing. “Do not ever do that to me again!”

Movu chuckled, but dipped his head. “Apologies. I should have warned you.”

Movu looked anything but apologetic and Raina couldn’t help asking,is he showing off for Zevon? That was completely unnecessary.

Kern glanced at her and nodded.He is, but I’m not sure why.

“That demonstration was easily avoidable.” Clearly, Zevon had come to the same conclusion. “Why are you really here?”

Zuri and Aldoron casually walked across the room and sat down on one of the many benches that had been arranged in front of the massive windows. Apparently, Movu was the negotiator and they had decided to simply leave him to it.

Movu clasped his hands behind his back and faced off with Zevon. “I proposed an alliance to your predecessor. Were you aware of that?”

Zevon shook his head but remained silent and watchful.

“He was only interested in amassing Altorian power, so he all but laughed in my face.”

“What sort of alliance were you hoping to forge?” Zevon managed to sound casual, but interest sharpened his gaze.

“A mutually beneficial one, of course. Is there any other kind?”

Rather than growling back at Movu, Zevon smiled. “I am not my predecessor. I have spent the majority of my adult life in the military. However, my leadership style is best described as collaborative. My question was sincere. Alliances work best when each side benefits equally. What do you want from me, and what are you offering in return?”

“You and I made a similar discovery in recent months. I would like to take advantage of that discovery by establishing a cross-training program. Once newly formed triads complete their training at the Citadel, they can travel to Fortress Ellak and expand their skills. Triads do not have to be born of Air to benefit from our training.”

“What discovery are you talking about?” Raina asked, though Zevon didn’t seem confused by the statement.

“Triads with participants from different planets or with hybrid members are developing much stronger abilities than those with all the members from one planet,” Zevon answered her question, but his gaze remained fixed on Movu. “The Citadel teaches triads to control Fire and Water, while Wraiths effortlessly control Air. What about the fourth element? Do you have a trainer from Houkdi?”

“I have two.”

Zevon nodded as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. “Your abilities are impressive, and I suspect you have only revealed a small fraction of what you can do. Do you really need the other elements? What do the Wraiths gain by allying themselves with the Citadel?”

“I’ll answer that question in a moment.” He looked at Cylex expectantly.

Cylex was clearly confused by the shift in Movu’s focus. “Did you have a question or—” Cylex looked down suddenly, responding to a notification from his comm queue. “I better accept this. Excuse me.” He moved over to a secluded corner of the room to respond to the comm request.

“Did you know he was about to receive that message?” Zevon asked, his eyes narrowed.

Movu nodded. “Aldoron sensed the coming development early this morning.”

“Tell me what he sensed so Cylex can verify the premonition,” Zevon suggested.
