Page 16 of Love, Lena

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We went down to city hall a few days later and tied the knot with our parents and friends there to help us celebrate. It was an amazing night and one that I know I’ll never forget.

From there, we went on our honeymoon and then came back, and just three months later, we learned that I was pregnant. We had our first kid, a girl named Malia, right after we celebrated our one-year anniversary.

That seemed to become a pattern with us welcoming our second daughter, Samantha, a month after our third anniversary, and now we’re on track to have our third and final kid in just a few weeks.

I rub my swollen stomach and smile as I pull into the driveway next to Beau’s truck. He’s still working with Charlie, and their business has been booming these last five years, too. I’m so proud of both of them, and it’s great that since we both own our own companies, we can kind of make our own schedules to be here for the girls.

I hear our daughters giggling as I head inside, and I grin as I go to find my family. I head into the girls’ room and have to hide my smile behind my hand when I see my six-and-a-half-foot-tall husband crammed into a chair at the girls’ table. He’s wearing a tiara and holding a teacup that looks hilariously small in his large hands. The girls must have gotten into my makeup because all three have blush and lipstick smeared across their faces.

“Did I miss tea time?” I ask as I come into the room.

Beau looks over at me and grins.

“Mommy!” Samantha and Malia shout as they jump up and race over to me.

“Hey, guys. How was your day with daddy?”

“Good,” Samantha says.

“So much fun!” Malia adds, and I smile down at their beaming faces.

“Uncle Charlie is going to be here soon to pick you up for your play date. Why don’t you guys come with me to get cleaned up?”

“Okay,” Malia says, and Samantha reaches her hands up to me.

I pick her up, smiling as she rests her head against my shoulder and gets some lipstick on my shirt.

“You need to get cleaned up, too,” I tell Beau, and he grins at me.

“Yes, ma’am.”

I try to ignore the way my core clenches when he looks at me like that as I turn and head into the kids’ bathroom. I set Samantha on the counter and grab a washcloth to clean her up. Malia chatters at me, telling me all about their day as I wipe their faces clean and help them change into clean clothes.

“Anyone ready to play?” Charlie asks as he lets himself in the front door.

“Uncle Charlie!” Malia says, wiggling out of my hold and taking off to the front door.

Samantha runs after her, screaming in excitement, and I shake my head, grinning as I trail after them. My brother is crouched down, nodding as the girls talk to him. He looks up as I walk into the room, and I wave as I head over.

“Thanks for taking them tonight,” I tell him as I pass him the girls’ backpacks.

“Of course. Everyone is excited to play tonight.”

Charlie and Kerry got married right after Beau and I did, and they also have two girls who are close to the same age as Samantha and Malia.

“They can spend the night if they want,” Charlie offers as the girls pull their shoes on.

“Are you sure?” I ask, and he nods.

“Yeah, my kids have been asking for a sleepover all week,” he says with a laugh.

“Alright, that sounds good. We’ll take everyone out for breakfast in the morning.”

“Nosh?” Charlie asks, and I grin.

“Of course.”

He hugs me with one arm while he waves for the girls to go before him out the door.

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